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Private Portfolio

A convenient way to make your money work

A unit-linked life insurance solution for saving and investing. A convenient solution if you want your investments to be managed by investment experts.

  • Investments according to the strategy chosen.
  • Low administration fees, from 0.4% to 1.25% per year.
  • Option to assign a beneficiary.
  • Possibility to get back a part of the insurance premiums paid each year implementing an exemption of income tax.

Minimum periodical payment amount according to pricelist is 50 EUR per month, 150 EUR per quarter, 300 EUR per half year, 600 EUR per year. It is also possible to invest without regularity, whenever you want, and to add one time payment at contract start only or during the contract - to explore this option, please use field “Single payment”.

Single payment  Please enter the amount of the single payment, if you plan to make such at contract start. Note! If you won’t use payment regularity, minimum amount of first payment defined in the pricelist is 1000 EUR. Single payment
Please, indicate the period during which you plan to invest. Choose one of the Private Portfolio strategies that is most suitable for you, taking into account your risk tolerance and planned investment period. The recommended investment strategy for you will be given after filling in Suitability questionnaire.

Check possible investment return calculations by clicking on each of the different market scenarios below:

  • %

Schedule of payments and fees

Schedule of payments and fees

Contract year Total amount of payments Contract fees Contract administration fee, which insurer deducts from contract according to price list. Estimated Investment Reserve This is the estimated value of savings at each contract year end calculated with estimated earning rates and payments you have defined above. Actual value of saving depends on actual investment performance of assets, which is not guaranteed. It is shown already net of contract fees.

All values generated by this calculator are not guaranteed and only serve as an illustrative example generated based on the values entered in the calculator. Please take into account that the value of an investment unit may increase or decrease during the contract lifetime and also the value of the reserve may accordingly increase or decrease in line with the value of the investment unit. The average annual return rates used by the calculator do not guarantee an equivalent yield in the future. Further information about this product’s offer is available at any Swedbank branch or by calling customer service at 1884 or by sending your question to e-mail address: The calculator uses indicators and calculating logic (planned amount of insurance payment, length of collection period, expected yield and its scenarios) that differ significantly from the requirements set for main information of combined retail and insurance-based investment products. In making a choice regarding an insurance product please review the results of the forecasts set out in the yield scenario table under ‘What are the risks and what could I get in return?’ in the Key Information document.

All values generated by this calculator are not guaranteed and only serve as an illustrative example generated based on the values entered in the calculator and after considering standard service fees. Private Portfolio is a unit-linked life insurance which means that the savings reserve depends on the value of its underlying assets, which in turn can either increase or decrease over time, however the past performance is not a guarantee for future returns, and you can get back less than you invested. Before concluding the contract, please read the main information document, the terms and conditions of the insurance contract, the price list, and a brief description of the service in the Internet Bank

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to sign up for a remote consultation at a time convenient for you.

Book a consultation

  • Flexibility to choose insurance payment frequency Choose to invest regularly from EUR 50 per month or to make lump-sum insurance payments (in such case, the minimum first insurance payment is EUR 1000)
  • No insurance premium fee
  • Low administration fees, from 0.4% to 1.25% per year depending on chosen strategy and investment amount
  • Investment portfolio is managed by Swedbank investment experts
  • Additionally, your life will be insured to the insurance amount of 2% of the investment value of insurance agreement In case of an insured event, the insurance benefit and sum of the investment value will be paid to the beneficiary or an inheritor.
  • You can specify a particular beneficiary (ies) to avoid long and complicated inheritance process in case of your death If you designate beneficiary(ies) (inheritor(s)) in your agreement, the insurance benefit (investment value + insurance amount) will be divided between the inheritors. The inheritance process may be lengthy, so we suggest designating the named person(s) as beneficiary(ies).
  • Possibility to get back up to 20% of life insurance premiums paid each year. For more information, see here. The State encourages this saving method and applies tax rebates for unit-linked life insurance premiums. Therefore, every year you will be able to benefit from the rebate on the income tax of individuals, and recover up to 20% of the total premiums paid. The maximum amount of the tax premiums paid per year from which the tax payer can recover 20% is EUR 1500.
  • Investments will be allocated according to the strategy chosen by you. Get a recommendation of the suitable strategy by filling out the questionnaire
  • As investments are managed by experts, you won't have to worry about which assets to invest in or when is the right time to change the existing assets inside the chosen strategy
  • You can check the investment performance in your internet bank any time, however monthly strategy overviews prepared by investment experts (asset managers) are always available here

To choose the most suitable investment strategy for you, fill in the questionnaire.

Results of Private Portfolio investment directions

Aggressive Growth Strategy

{ "chart": { "height": 120, "marginTop": -20, "marginBottom": 15, "spacingBottom": 5 }, "xAxis": { "visible": false }, "yAxis": { "visible": false }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "stacking": "percent" } }, "legend": { "enabled": true } }

The objective of the strategy is to achieve the maximum possible rate of return over long term which is sought to be achieved by investing in equity securities in a diversified manner. 100% of assets are invested in equity securities, but, depending on the market situation and for better achievement of its objective, it is permitted to increase and reduce the weight of equity investments in the range of 70% to 100% of the strategy portfolio assets.

The strategy is suitable for investors who can take on high risk and want to invest for a long period of time (at least 10 years).

documentMonthly overview

Growth Strategy

{ "chart": { "height": 120, "marginTop": -20, "marginBottom": 15, "spacingBottom": 5 }, "xAxis": { "visible": false }, "yAxis": { "visible": false }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "stacking": "percent" } }, "legend": { "enabled": true } }

The objective of the strategy is to achieve growth of the assets invested that is attainable at somewhat higher level of risk over medium to long term. This is sought to be achieved by investing in equity and bonds, including money markets, in a diversified manner, with 75% of assets invested in equity securities. Depending on the market situation and for better achievement of its objective, it is permitted to increase and reduce the weight of equity investments in the range of 60% to 90% of the strategy portfolio assets.

The strategy is suitable for investors who can take on higher risk and want to invest for a long period of time (at least 7 years).

documentMonthly overview

Balanced Strategy

{ "chart": { "height": 120, "marginTop": -20, "marginBottom": 15, "spacingBottom": 5 }, "xAxis": { "visible": false }, "yAxis": { "visible": false }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "stacking": "percent" } }, "legend": { "enabled": true } }

The objective of the strategy is to achieve medium-term growth of the assets invested that is attainable at a moderate level of risk. This is sought to be achieved by investing in equity and bonds, including money markets, in a diversified manner, with 40% of assets invested in equity securities. Depending on the market situation and for better achievement of its objective, it is permitted to increase and reduce the weight of equity investments in the range of 25% to 55% of the strategy portfolio assets.

The strategy is suitable for investors who can take on medium risk and want to invest for a medium period of time (at least 5 years).

documentMonthly overview

Real Value Strategy

{ "chart": { "height": 120, "marginTop": -20, "marginBottom": 15, "spacingBottom": 5 }, "xAxis": { "visible": false }, "yAxis": { "visible": false }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "stacking": "percent" } }, "legend": { "enabled": true } }

The objective of the strategy is to achieve some growth of the assets invested that is attainable at a low level of risk. Assets are mainly invested in bonds, including money markets, and 10% of assets, on average, are invested in equity securities for diversification purposes and for improved return prospects. Depending on the market situation and for better achievement of its objective, it is permitted to increase and reduce the weight of equity investments in the range of 0% to 20% of the strategy portfolio assets.

The strategy is suitable for investors with little financial market experience and who want to invest for a medium period of time (at least 3 years).

documentMonthly overview

Capital Preservation Strategy

{ "chart": { "height": 120, "marginTop": -20, "marginBottom": 15, "spacingBottom": 5 }, "xAxis": { "visible": false }, "yAxis": { "visible": false }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "stacking": "percent" } }, "legend": { "enabled": true } }

The objective of the Strategy is to preserve the assets, which is sought to be achieved through investments in bonds in a diversified manner. Up to 100% of the strategy assets are invested in bonds, including money market instruments.

The strategy is suitable for investors who want to avoid strong investment volatility and who want to invest for a medium period of time (at least 1 year).

documentMonthly overview

  1. Before signing the agreement fill in the questionnaire or sign up for an investment consultation in order to evaluate if this service appropriate for you and what is the most suitable investment strategy for you.
  2. Learn more about the investment strategy recommended after filling in the questionnaire.
  3. Choose the strategy and sign the insurance agreement.
  4. You can check the concluded insurance agreement, make changes and keep track of the investment performance in your Internet Bank.

Good to know

Regular payments are debited automatically from the current account at Swedbank. If you have chosen single insurance payments, you have to pay them yourself manually.

Your agreement will enter into force once your first payment is received.

Valid since 12 November 2020

Agreement fee Amount and procedure for calculating the fee
Insurance contribution fee Not applicable
Administration fee The administration fee is equal to a percentage of the investment value of the agreement*. The annual amount of the management fee depends on the size of the investment value of the agreement and the agreement strategy.
Strategy Agreement investment value*
< EUR 10 000
Agreement investment value*
≥ EUR 10 000 and < EUR 100 000
Agreement investment value*
≥ EUR 100 000
Aggressive growth strategy 1.25 % 1.00 % 0.75 %
Growth strategy 1.25 % 1.00 % 0.75 %
Balanced strategy 1.00 % 0.75 % 0.50 %
Fair value strategy 1.00 % 0.75 % 0.50 %
Capital preservation strategy 0.75 % 0.50 % 0.40 %
During the term of the cover, an administration fee is deducted from the investment value of the agreement* on each accounting day.
Termination fee 0.5% of the investment value of the agreement*. The maximum amount of the termination fee is EUR 50. The fee applies for the first 5 years of the agreement term.
Fee on the payment of the share of the investment value 0.5% of the portion of the investment value of the agreement paid out. The fee applies for the first 5 years of the agreement term. The fee on the payment of the share of the investment value is deducted from the investment value of the agreement*.
Change of Terms Fee Not applicable

* Here, the investment value of the agreement does not include the value of contributions awaiting conversion into units.

During the term of the agreement, the life insurance company reserves the right to change the service charges of the agreement in accordance with the rules.

You can:

  • Pay additional insurance payment
  • Change insurance payments frequency
  • Change insurance payment amount
  • Change investment strategy chosen any time It is worthwhile to review the chosen investment strategy regularly in order to evaluate if it still matches your risk tolerance and expectations. Sometimes it might be reasonable to change the investment strategy. The general rule is - the less time till the end of the time horizon you intended to invest the less risks should be taken. Sign up for a consultation, if needed.
  • Change beneficiary(ies)
  • Make partial withdrawal of the investment value according to the conditions in the Price List If insurance agreement is valid for less than 5 years, a termination fee is applied according to the price list.
  • Terminate the agreement If insurance agreement is valid for less than 5 years, a termination fee is applied according to the price list

What is sustainability when investing by choosing in a unit-linked life insurance „Private portfolio“? First of all, it is a conscious choice to invest in industries and companies that operate sustainably.
The integration of sustainability risks into investment-decision processes is critical to for a greater chance of a long-term return on investments. The sustainability assessment of enterprises includes the following criteria:

  • CO2 emissions
  • Pollution, waste
  • Energy consumption
  • Water consumption
  • Consumption of other resources
  • Employee health and well-being
  • Fair remuneration
  • Human rights and equal opportunities
  • Product safety
  • Value for communities
  • Business ethics
  • Transparency
  • Anti-corruption
  • Accountability
  • Data protection
  • Clear structure
  • Investing in a unit-linked life insurance “Private portfolio” promote E/S characteristics by refraining from investing in harmful industries or in companies which, refrain from investing in harmful industries or in companies which breaches of international norms.
  • For more information on the sustainability characteristics of this product, please refer to the Sustainability-related disclosures. Sustainability-related disclosures.
  • For more information on annual performance of the sustainability characteristics of this product, please refer to periodic report: 2023 report.

Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors

Investors are actively directing money to sustainable investments.

{ "xAxis": { "visible": true, "categories": ["2014", "2016", "2018", "2036"] }, "yAxis": { "visible": true, "title": "" }, "legend": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "column": { "stacking": "normal", "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } } } }

Source: International Institute for Sustainable Developments

A man and a woman on the smartphone reads information about sustainability

Let’s take a sustainable step – for the benefit of all

Private Portfolio is unit-linked life insurance agreement, where the investment risk belongs to the policyholder. Service is provided by Swedbank Life Insurance SE Lithuanian Branch.

Please note that the investment value of the contract may either increase or decrease depending on the actual yield of investments. The historic yield does not guarantee similar performance in the future. The insurer does not provide guarantees of yield on investments and accumulated investment value. The information provided may not be treated as the insurer‘s recommendation to choose this service; you are responsible for your choice, therefore, prior to deciding on the entering into the unit-linked life insurance contract you should familiarise yourself with the detailed information contained in the insurance rules, descriptions of investment allocations and other information published on

Invest in your child’s future right now – sign a contract in internet bank and accumulate funds for Your child‘s studies or for the beginning of his independent life.

Do something nice for yourself – start saving in 3rd pillar pension funds.

A convenient way of investing the spare money in a diversified and sustainable manner.

According to the suitability questionnaire report, this service is not recommended for you. Based on the evaluation of the data provided in the questionnaire, this product is not appropriate to you. We recommend to select advised product which you can check in Suitability report before proceeding with contract conclusion.

Sustainability annual overview

Key information documents

Sustainability information

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Jūsų Internet Explorer naršyklė nebepalaikoma.

Prašome naudoti Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox ar Microsoft Edge naršykles.

Nuo 2021 03 23 nebebus galima jungtis prie „Swedbank“ interneto banko naudojantis naršykle „Internet Explorer“.

Taip pat nebebus galima tvirtinti ar vykdyti mokėjimų iš „Swedbank“ kituose tinklalapiuose naudojantis „Internet Explorer“.

Siūlome Jums naudotis naršyklėmis „Google Chrome“, „Mozilla Firefox“ ar naujausia „Microsoft Edge“ versija. Norėdami sužinoti, kaip įdiegti naršykles spauskite čia.

С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

  • Jūsų įrenginio operacinė sistema ir interneto naršyklė yra pasenusi ir nėra palaikoma Swedbank interneto banke. Prašome atnaujinti operacinę sistemą bei interneto naršyklę arba kreiptis į IT specialistus techninės pagalbos.
  • The operating system of your device & your browser are too outdated to be supported by Swedbank Internet Bank. Please, update the operating system & browser or turn to IT specialist for technical help.
  • Ваш браузер или операционная система недостаточно современны для использования в интернет банке Swedbank. Пожалуйста обновите операционную систему и браузер или обратитесь за технической помощью к ИТ специалисту.

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„Swedbank”, AB
Konstitucijos pr. 20A, 09321 Vilnius, Lithuania
Legal entity code: 112029651

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This is Internet Banking site of companies offering financial services - „Swedbank“ AB, Swedbank lizingas UAB, Swedbank investicijų valdymas UAB, Swedbank P&C Insurance AS Lithuanian branch, Swedbank Life Insurance SE Lithuanian branch. Before signing any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service.