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Authentication tools

We recommend: Use two login tools

It is better to use two different ways to login to the Internet Bank and the application.
Having a backup login tool is not only safer but also more convenient.
Why is this important?

  • You will not lose access to e-banking, even if you lose your primary login tool.
  • It will save your time if the main login tool expires.
  • It will be useful if one of the login tools does not work due to a technical fault.

You can log in to the Internet Bank and the Swedbank app using your biometric data (fingerprint or face recognition) – you will no longer have to memorise any codes!

How to start using biometrics:

That’s it! By using only a fingerprint or face recognition you will be able to log in to the Internet Bank or the Swedbank app.

How to start using Smart-ID:

  • You will need your smartphone and Mobile-ID, ID card or biometric identification.
  • Download a free Smart-ID app to your phone.
  • Create and activate a Smart-ID account on your phone.

Download Smart-ID now:

Smart-ID iOS Smart-ID Android

If you cannot download and activate Smart-ID on your own, come to the bank’s branch that is convenient to you. You must register before your visit.


For your convenience, we recommend having at least two login tools. We recommend a combination of biometrics (fingerprint or facial recognition) and Smart-ID. We recommend this option because it is:

  • Safe.
  • Convenient.
  • Free of charge!

What are biometrics?

Biometrics (fingerprint or face recognition) are your most unique data that you can use to verify your identity and perform various banking operations in the bank’s digital environment.

Why should you use it?

By using only a fingerprint or face recognition you will be able to:

  • log in to the Internet Bank and the Swedbank app;
  • instantaneously check your bank account balance;
  • authorise money transfers and payments (5 times in a row, amounts up to EUR 50 per transaction);
  • manage your cards (block and unblock them, change card transaction limits);
  • repay the used credit card limit.

How to use biometrics?

To use your biometrics, first you need to enable this feature on your phone or tablet. Your smart device must have a biometric data sensor integrated.

How to log in to the Internet Bank using biometrics?

How to use biometrics on the Swedbank app (Android)?

How to use biometrics on the Swedbank app (iOS)?

How to start using a fingerprint on the Android phone?

How to start using a Face ID feature on the iOS phone?

How to start using a Touch ID feature on the iOS phone?

The PIN is an easy way to log in and confirm payments in our app and the Internet Bank.

Why use a PIN?

  • Simple – just enter your PIN when confirming small payments or logging in. You can create your own PIN and choose the length of your PIN from 5 to 8 digits.
  • Secure – your PIN is not stored on your phone and only you know it (just like a bank card). It can also only be used on your phone.
  • Universal – you can use your PIN to both log in and confirm payments (up to EUR 50 5 times in a row) in the app and in your Internet Bank.
  • A great backup solution – it's a good idea to have at least two ways to log in and confirm payments as a backup. With a PIN, you'll be sure you always have access to your money.

How do I get a PIN?

  1. Log in to the Swedbank app using your current login method.
  2. Go to Settings - you'll find it in the top right-hand corner, under your initials.
  3. Scroll down to the "Login methods" function.
  4. Tap "App PIN" to activate the service.
  5. Set your PIN and you're done!

Tip. If you've forgotten your PIN, log in to the app using another authentication method and follow the same steps to create a new one.

For more detailed instructions on how to set your PIN, click here

What is Smart-ID?

“Smart-ID” is a free application, which will make it easier and faster for you to login to Swedbank Internet Bank and Bank application, to confirm money transfers and other operations, and to sign various contracts.

In order to use “Smart-ID”, you will not necessarily have to be subscribed to a mobile communication operator. “Smart-ID” will operate wherever Wi-Fi or/and mobile internet is.

Smart-ID can be used by people from the age of 7.

document How to create a Smart-ID account for my child?

In order to use “Smart-ID”, you will need:

  • A smartphone that meets the minimum technical requirements set for Smart-ID
  • Mobile internet or wireless internet connection.

document Smart-ID instructions

How to renew a Smart-ID account

The created Smart-ID account is valid for 3 years. Upon approaching date of expiry, you will receive a Smart-ID app notification. You may renew your Smart-ID account independently:

  • First, check if you have the latest Smart-ID app version (v.18 or newer).
  • Then check whether your phone has biometric data enabled (in phone settings).
  • Take your passport or personal ID card.

Then click “Renew account” in Smart-ID settings and follow the step-by-step process in the app.

Before starting, you may want to watch a demo video.


Young people aged 7–17 need to download the Smart-ID app on their phone. After downloading the app and following the login steps, one of the parents will receive an email with the steps needed to confirm registration. Once the parent has confirmed the registration, the minor will be able to successfully use Smart-ID.

Technical support

Account suspension

“Smart-ID Basic”

  • If you created a “Smart-ID” account by using a code card or a code generator, “Smart-ID Basic” account is created for you.
  • You can use electronic services of the banks: login, confirmation of various operations, confirmation of various service contracts.


  • If you create a “Smart-ID” account in a bank branch with the help of a consultant or by using the mobile signature, ID card or biometric identification, “Smart-ID” account will be created for you.
  • You can use not only electronic services of the banks: login, confirmation of various operations, confirmation of various service contracts, and also signing of various documents. This ID tool has the same legal power, as the signature made with your hand.

The Estonian company “SK ID Solution AS” – a long-term Swedbank cooperation partner in the Baltic States and the developer of “Smart-ID” has been rendering certification services and issuing safe electronic signatures for 15 years.

More about “SK ID Solution AS”:

“Smart-ID” support:


How to use Smart-ID:

How to start use and how to renew Smart-ID?

How to login to the Internet Bank with “Smart-ID”?

How to perform payments in the Internet Bank with “Smart-ID”?

How to login to Swedbank app with “Smart-ID”?

How to perform payments in Swedbank app with “Smart-ID”?

What to do if you have forgotten your PIN code?

Smart-ID and smart devices

You can download Smart-ID app and create your electronic signature in any smart device (telephone, tablet, etc.) with Android (version 4.1 or later) or iOS (version 8.0 or later) operating system.

Yes, you can create your Smart-ID account in several different smart devices. Account registration (sign up) in different devices will have to be carried out anew. If you delete Smart-ID account in one device, it will not stop functioning in other devices.

You can create different PIN codes or use the same for the accounts in different devices.

You will see the request to check the control code and enter the required PIN code in all devices in which you have Smart-ID account. When you enter your PIN code in one device, the request to enter PIN code in other devices will automatically close.

This is subject to the characteristics of a smart device. Devices with Android OS usually allow the use of different user accounts. Meanwhile, devices with iOS do not have this function.

Not necessarily. E. g. you can have Smart-ID in your phone and connect to internet bank using any other device. You just need to enter PIN code in the device with Smart-ID account.

Account registration and validity

To start using electronic services provided by Swedbank, a person has to be resident of the Republic of Lithuania. Foreign citizens also have to have any type of residence permit specifying personal identification code allocated in the Republic of Lithuania.

Your Smart-ID account is valid for 3 years. When approaching the expiration date, you will have to delete the account and sign up again. Service provider SK ID Solutions will notify you in advance by sending an SMS or by e-mail.

To use the available Smart-ID also in Swedbank, you should first login to Swedbank internet bank with the identification tool you have (PIN generator or Mobile-ID) and enable the use of Smart-ID.

On the menu select as follows: My bank -> Settings -> Settings. Hit the button Enable Smart-ID.

Delete your account in Smart-ID: open Smart-ID app and hit “Delete account” on the top left corner.

First, download the “Smart-ID” app to your new smartphone. Then activate your “Smart-ID” account on the new smartphone by using “Smart-ID” of the old device. Delete the app from the old device only after having activated it on your new smartphone.

Yes, using Smart-ID has no effect on other forms of identification allowed by Swedbank. You can use the identification tool provided by the bank as an additional one.

Using Smart-ID

Swedbank clients can use Smart-ID:

  • to connect to internet bank and bank app;
  • confirm payments and agreements;
  • identify themselves when connecting to the website of the third parties if these websites provide the possibility to connect via Swedbank internet bank.

When using Smart-ID transactions daily and monthly limits in the Agreement of Electronic Services shall be applicable. You can change the limits via internet bank or in any Swedbank branch.

The registration and use of Smart-ID, when connecting to Swedbank e-banking, is free of charge.

You can use Smart-ID anywhere you go where wireless internet is available. One Smart-ID request uses only as many as 5 KB of internet data.

No, SIM card is not needed. To use Smart-ID you only need wireless or mobile internet.

PIN codes

You can try entering PIN codes three times in succession. When you enter the wrong PIN code the third time, Smart-ID account is blocked for 3 hours. After 3 hours you can try again.

If you enter the wrong PIN code three times in succession for the second time, Smart-ID account will be blocked for 24 hours.

If you enter the wrong PIN code three times in succession one day later, Smart-ID account will be finally blocked.

Delete Smart-ID account and create a new one with new PIN codes.

You can delete your Smart-ID account in Smart-ID app by selecting the appropriate item and hitting on the top left corner menu.

If you fail to create an account in Smart-ID, please address the provider of Smart-ID service, , SK ID Solutions. Contact information:

Should you have any question or face interference while connecting to Swedbank e-banking through Smart-ID, contact us.

The advantages of Smart-ID in comparison to other forms of identification

Smart-ID is an alternative to a PIN generator – it is only much more comfortable and free of charge.

Smart-ID is in your smart phone, and you always have your phone with you. Thus to connect to the Internet Bank you no longer have to look for your PIN generator.

Besides, you sign up to Smart-ID and can use it for Swedbank e-banking at no cost.

Smart-ID is an alternative to Mobile-ID, but it does not require you to have a SIM card, it operates via Wi-Fi or mobile internet.

You do not have to go to any specific place to start using Smart-ID. You simply need to download Smart-ID app to your smart device and sign up with the available identification tool. You sign up to Smart-ID and can use it for Swedbank e-banking at no cost.


In such case, call the service provider SK ID Solutions, you will find the number on the website and ask them to block your Smart-ID account. You can also notify the bank of the loss. Upon your request from a client the service of internet bank will be blocked. The access will be unblocked on the basis of your request or request of the person’s authorised by you only at Swedbank branch.

We recommend installing Smart-ID in personal devices. In this way you will be sure that the users of the device will not accidentally block your account.

Detailed information on safety which guarantees technological principle of Smart-ID functioning can be found on (see Help -> Security and Private keys).

Please also follow general safety principles:

  • do not disclose your PIN codes to anyone;
  • make sure that your smart devices are secured with passwords;
  • do not forget to regularly update the OS in your device.

What is PIN calculator?

PIN calculator is an electronic device, which generates single-use codes to be used for login and confirmation of various operations in the Internet Bank and Swedbank app.

How to obtain a PIN calculator:

  • Log in to the Internet Bank and register for a consultation – choose the time and the preferred Swedbank branch.
  • Bring a valid identity document – passport or personal ID card – when going to the bank.

If you have Mobile-ID or Smart-ID, you don’t need a PIN calculator. You may use your current authentication tool to log in and confirm operations.

PIN calculator is issued at the price of EUR 16.

Users of the Swedbank Youth Programme One + (6-13 years) and Senior Programme as well as users of the Basic Payment Account Service can get PIN calculator free of charge.

Replacing a PIN calculator with drained battery

PIN calculator issued by Swedbank has a non-replaceable battery, thus if the battery is drained, the PIN calculator can be replaced with a new one at the nearest Swedbank branch. PIN calculator that does not work or is not being used can be given away for further battery waste management at the nearest Swedbank branch.

What is the personal identification card?

Electronic personal identification card (or e-ID card) is a secure and reliable method of identification.

This login tool can be used only in computers – mobile devices are not equipped for this purpose. Your computer must be additionally prepared for the use of the personal identification card/USB.

In order to use this identification measures, you will have to obtain a card terminal. Fees are available here.

How to obtain:

How to prepare your computer:

Important: for you to confirm transactions in the Internet bank with your ID card or USB cryptographic key, we suggest using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox browsers, to install an additional plugin: download it here, and to enable browser plugins.

Have in mind that Swedbank Internet Bank does not support Internet Explorer. We suggest using other browsers to access it, e.g. Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Documents signing in e-channels

  • For suspension of ID card certificates, call +370 5271 6062.
  • If the cryptographic USB key is lost, the PIN or PUK code is revealed, the validity of the certificate can be suspended by calling +370 5 2688 388, +370 5 2688 262.

What is Mobile-ID?

You can also login to Swedbank Internet Bank and app and confirm operations with a mobile signature. In order to use it, you‘ll need a mobile phone with a special SIM card. Your Mobile-ID will be secured by two sPIN codes known solely to you. You‘ll have to enter these codes into your mobile phone – it is more secure than entering them into an internet page.

You can get mobile signature and receive more information on its price and conditions from your mobile network operator:

How to log-in with mobile signature?

Select “Mobile-ID” when loggin in the internet bank or app.

  1. Enter your permanent user ID code in the box “User ID”.
  2. Enter your mobile phone number in the box “Phone number”, for example, 6XXXXXXX.

Enter your sPIN code

  1. Make sure that the code displayed in your Internet Bank or App log in screen coincides with the code displayed on the mobile phone, and confirm it.
  2. Enter the sPIN code of your mobile signature in the mobile phone.

For suspension of mobile signature please contact your mobile operator:

  • Telia 1817
  • Tele2 117
  • Bitė 1501
  • Teledema 117

PINs used for login tools and their meaning

Important! Please only use the sensitive PINs of the login and authentication means known to you alone after you have read the description of the action for which you are giving your consent.

Take your time: if the Smart-ID or mobile signature code entry screen on your phone has been activated when you are not personally authenticating yourself by accessing your Internet Bank or payment transactions, entering into contracts or changes to contracts, or making online card payments, do not enter your PINs under any circumstances. Otherwise, you risk losing all the funds in your accounts and may incur additional financial losses!

Remember! All actions in electronic channels, confirmed with the signatures you have, are signed with an electronic signature, which has the same legal value as the signature on a written document. Before entering PINs known only to you, you must be clear about the action you are approving, as this may lead to the conclusion of a transaction, the transfer of funds, the granting of access to, the State Tax Inspectorate, and other portals for the provision of state services, etc.

We remind you that you also create two different codes, independent of each other and known only to you, for the tool you have (Smart-ID, mobile signature or your electronic identity card (or e-ID card)), which you use to perform different actions.

The names of the codes may be different for the tool you are using and for which you alone are aware.

Smart-ID PINs are generated by you when you register your Smart-ID account. As PINs are not stored anywhere, it is very important not to forget them. If you forget your PINs, please delete your Smart-ID account and create a new one. PINs must be hard to guess, illogical combinations of random numbers. Do not use combinations of numbers such as 1111, 1234, dates of birth etc.

When you want to perform an action that requires confirmation with the Smart-ID app, always take your time to read the description of the action for which you are giving consent. If the description matches the action you actually want to perform, only then click «Confirm» and enter the requested PIN1 in the additional window that appears. Enter PIN2 as appropriate on the Smart-ID application screen when asked to enter PIN2 in the Internet Bank or smart application environment.

Mobile-ID source codes are provided to you by your mobile operator together with your SIM card. sPIN1 consists of a minimum of 4 digits, which you enter when you are asked to confirm your identity for the purpose of signing in to services in your Internet Bank or Smart-ID environment. sPIN2 consists of a minimum of 5 digits, which you enter when you are asked to confirm your identity for the purpose of signature.

For the PIN generator, you create a single 5-digit permanent password, which you use to unlock the screen of the tool each time, and then you can start generating one-off codes:

  • Button 1 - you press to generate a unique 8-digit code that you enter when you are asked to enter the APPLI 1 code in your Internet Bank or smart app environment.
  • Button 2 - you press when you are asked to enter the APPLI 2 code in your Internet Bank or smart app environment.

Please note that the APPLI 1 code – a unique 8-digit code – may be requested not only when you are asked to confirm your identity when you log in to the Internet Bank or smart app, but also when you consent to other services, e.g., when you are asked to confirm your consent to transactions initiated by your card payment.

NOTE! By entering only one PIN1, sPIN1 or APPLI 1 code, you can already consent to a payment transaction by card, to the activation of a smart app (with biometric identification and payment functionality) or to any other action and you may not always be asked to enter additional PIN2, sPIN2 or APPLI 2 codes. It is also important to note that entering just one PIN1, sPIN1 or APPLI 1 code may already give you access to your Internet Bank or other personal environment where you can change your contact details or perform other actions. It is therefore very important to familiarise yourself with the description of the action for which you are giving your consent each time.

You have doubts regarding the security? Notify us!

Contact us 24/7 via 1884 (+370 5 268 4444 - for calls from abroad), if:

  • you have noticed suspicious operations on your account;
  • you suspect that third persons have received access to your Internet Bank;
  • you have faced fraudulent actions aimed at obtaining login data from you or misappropriate your funds;

Warning about emerging cases of fraud we announce at security section and the Internet Bank login window. If you have noticed suspicious operations on your account, we can contact you personally. But you have to remember that bank employees contacting you by phone never ask to provide login data, passwords, PIN codes or other secret information. Bank employees may ask for certain login data only in cases, when you personally contact them via the phone numbers shown above and only for personal identification purposes.

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Jūsų Internet Explorer naršyklė nebepalaikoma.

Prašome naudoti Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox ar Microsoft Edge naršykles.

Nuo 2021 03 23 nebebus galima jungtis prie „Swedbank“ interneto banko naudojantis naršykle „Internet Explorer“.

Taip pat nebebus galima tvirtinti ar vykdyti mokėjimų iš „Swedbank“ kituose tinklalapiuose naudojantis „Internet Explorer“.

Siūlome Jums naudotis naršyklėmis „Google Chrome“, „Mozilla Firefox“ ar naujausia „Microsoft Edge“ versija. Norėdami sužinoti, kaip įdiegti naršykles spauskite čia.

С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

  • Jūsų įrenginio operacinė sistema ir interneto naršyklė yra pasenusi ir nėra palaikoma Swedbank interneto banke. Prašome atnaujinti operacinę sistemą bei interneto naršyklę arba kreiptis į IT specialistus techninės pagalbos.
  • The operating system of your device & your browser are too outdated to be supported by Swedbank Internet Bank. Please, update the operating system & browser or turn to IT specialist for technical help.
  • Ваш браузер или операционная система недостаточно современны для использования в интернет банке Swedbank. Пожалуйста обновите операционную систему и браузер или обратитесь за технической помощью к ИТ специалисту.

Your session at the Internet Bank has ended – we look forward to welcoming you back!

For your safety, please close your browser window. If you wish to continue using Internet Bank, please log in again.

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„Swedbank”, AB
Konstitucijos pr. 20A, 09321 Vilnius, Lithuania
Legal entity code: 112029651

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This is Internet Banking site of companies offering financial services - „Swedbank“ AB, Swedbank lizingas UAB, Swedbank investicijų valdymas UAB, Swedbank P&C Insurance AS Lithuanian branch, Swedbank Life Insurance SE Lithuanian branch. Before signing any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service.