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Safe pension fund

Make your own savings for an additional pension and ensure carefree life once retired

  • You will not have to worry about investment – investing strategy will be individually tailored according to the pension accumulation term.
  • Amount to be paid is guaranteed, in case of negative return on investments upon the expiry of the agreement.
  • Possibility to pay bigger premiums at any time and thus to increase the amount to be accumulated or to pay smaller premiums in case of any financial difficulties.

Safe Pension Fund Calculator

Define monthly saving amount, that you‘d like to save regurlary during whole contract period. Enter the preliminary amount you have saved under the contract at the time when the terms and conditions are changed.
You will retire at age of   years, this will happen at  . Contract term would be   years and   months.

Favourable scenario This scenario reflects the case of moderately positive investment performance based on historic returns for the underlying investment. It is expressed in terms of annual average returns, assuming 10 year overall holding period. The return used in this scenario is from the higher end of the spectrum of possible annual average returns (90th percentile). Calculations are based on the full history of underlying funds - since fund inception. Source: Bloomberg. Past performance is however not a guarantee for future returns, the investments value may rise or fall in the future. Please note, that the shorter is the holding period of investments, the higher is the probability of steep falls, and vice versa.

Moderate scenario This scenario reflects the case of average investment performance based on historic returns for the underlying investment. It is expressed in terms of annual average returns, assuming 10 year overall holding period. The return used in this scenario is at the median of the spectrum of possible annual average returns (50th percentile). Calculations are based on the full history of underlying funds - since fund inception. Source: Bloomberg. Past performance is however not a guarantee for future returns, the investments value may rise or fall in the future. Please note, that the shorter is the holding period of investments, the higher is the probability of steep falls, and vice versa.

Unfavourable scenario This scenario reflects the case of moderately negative investment performance based on historic returns for the underlying investment. It is expressed in terms of annual average returns, assuming 10 year overall holding period. The return used in this scenario is from the lower end of the spectrum of possible annual average returns (10th percentile). Calculations are based on the full history of underlying funds - since fund inception. Source: Bloomberg. Past performance is however not a guarantee for future returns, the investments value may rise or fall in the future. Please note, that the shorter is the holding period of investments, the higher is the probability of steep falls, and vice versa.

Projected market value of savings at contract end: It's estimated (prognosed) value of savings calulated with estimated interest rates and payments you have defined above. Actual value of saving depends on actual investment performance of assets. Investment performance is not guaranteed as it depends on underlying assets earnings from financial markets during contract period. It is shown already net of contract fees.

Estimated value of savings at contract end with discount: Forecast collected sum at the end of the agreement term with a 50% discount for administration fee.

Total premiums: Total sum of payments made into contract.

Estimated annual average earning rates of underlying assets
Global Equity investment direction: 13.0% 7.7% 2.5%
Global Equity investment direction 2: 11.1% 6.0% 1.0%
Mid-term Bonds investment direction 2: 3.0% 2.3% 1.5%
Mid-term Bonds investment direction 3: 3.7% 2.4% 1.1%
Short-term Bonds investment direction: 0.9% 0.4% -0.1%
  Favourable scenario details Moderate scenario details Unfavourable scenario details

* The amounts are calculated considering only the premiums paid under the present insurance contract and assuming that no premiums were made to pension funds, associations of participants of occupational retirement funds, and/or analogous entities operating in a State of the European Economic Area.

Calculations are made according to data of the Safe Pension Fund, having considered standard fees for services and your selected average annual return of investments. This example is just for illustration and may not be treated as the insurer’s offer or insurer’s obligation to save the specified amount. The insurer does not guarantee profitability of investments or saved amount. During the term of the contract the saved amount may both increase and decrease.

Forecast made is just an example calculated following assumptions selected by you and does not guarantee that investment value of the contract will coincide with figures specified in the example.

We would like to draw attention that investment value of the contract may both increase and decrease, and is subject to actual profitability of investments. The insurer does not guarantee profitability of investments or saved amount. The insurer will pay the guarantee amount only provided the contract remains effective until maturity date and investment amount on maturity date is less than the guarantee amount. This forecast is prepared, having considered standard fees applicable for the Safe Pension Fund. Please apply for details the closest division of Swedbank, call +370 5 268 4444 or 1884 or mail at the address:

Do You have any questions?

Book a consultation
  • 'Safe Pension Fund' is an investment life insurance service designed for those who want to accumulate funds for their pension independently. The service is provided by Swedbank Life Insurance SE, Lithuanian Branch via its agent Swedbank, AB.
  • By making regular contributions, by the age of retirement you can save sufficient money for a more comfortable life. Besides, whatever you save in the Safe Pension Fund will belong to you. In case of your death, the saved amount will be paid to your heirs or to the beneficiaries named in the insurance agreement.
  • If you change the rules of the insurance contract to the Safe Pension Fund, the investment strategy is tailored to you and depends on the duration of the accumulation.
  • Paying premiums is convenient and easy – they can be automatically debited from your e-account once a month on your chosen day. You are free to determine the amount of a premium to increase or reduce it according to your financial situation or the desired amount of savings.
  • The invested amount is covered by guarantee. The guarantee means that once the insurance agreement expires and return on investments is negative, you will be paid the guarantee amount, i.e. the total amount of paid premiums, minus the charges established in the Safe Pension Fund agreement. The guarantee is applied if the investment value is smaller than the guarantee amount upon the expiry of the agreement. Please note that in case of termination of the Safe Pension Fund agreement before term or its termination in other cases (in case of death), no guarantee is applied.
  • The State encourages this saving method and applies tax rebates for accumulative life insurance premiums. Therefore, every year you will be able to benefit from the rebate on the income tax of individuals, and recover up to 20 % of the total premiums paid.* The maximum amount of the tax premiums paid per year from which the tax payer can recover 20 % is EUR 1500.

    More information here.

    * i.e. premiums according to accumulative life insurance contracts, to pension funds, associations of participants of occupational retirement funds, and/or analogous entities operating in a State of the European Economic Area.

If you change the terms of the insurance contract to the Safe Pension Fund, the investment strategy will be tailored to you and depends on the duration of the accumulation. Normally, at the beginning of the accumulation, you invest at a higher risk in order to make your fund earn money. After that, the risk is gradually reduced to preserve your savings.

{ "title": { "text": "Investment structure" }, "xAxis": { "visible": true, "title": { "text": "Remaining years till end of contract" }, "categories": ["20", "19", "18", "17", "16", "15", "14", "13", "12", "11", "10", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1"], "labels": { "rotation": 0 } }, "yAxis": { "visible": true, "title": { "text": "" }, "labels": { "format": "{value}%" } }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "stacking": "percent", "pointWidth": 40, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } } }, "legend": { "enabled": true, "reversed": true } } { "title": { "text": "Investment structure" }, "xAxis": { "visible": true, "title": { "text": "Remaining years till end of contract" }, "categories": ["20", "19", "18", "17", "16", "15", "14", "13", "12", "11", "10", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1"] }, "yAxis": { "visible": false, "title": { "text": "Total fruit consumption" }, "labels": { "format": "{value}%" } }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "stacking": "percent", "pointWidth": 20 } }, "legend": { "enabled": true } }

The investment structure uses asset classes and the distribution between investment lines:

  • Global Equity asset class. Investments in this asset class consist mainly of equity securities (equities) from developed markets, but may also include a small proportion of equity securities (equities) from emerging markets. The investment lines are: Global equities (50% allocation) and Global equities 2 (50% allocation). More on the investment directions.
  • Medium term bond asset class. This asset class consists of medium term Eurozone government bonds and global corporate bonds issued in euro (average term to maturity 10 years). The investment directions are: Medium term bonds 2 (50 % allocation) and Medium term bonds 3 (50 % allocation). More on the investment directions.
  • Short term bond asset class. This asset class consists of short-term euro-area government bonds issued in euro (average term to maturity 3 years). Investment directions: Short term bonds (100% allocation). Life insurance investment directions

This well-balanced life-cycle investment strategy allows to expect good earnings, while in case of any losses incurred, the guarantee amount is paid upon the expiry of the agreement.

Before changing the rules of your insurance contract, please read the important information.

  1. Log in to your Swedbank Internet Bank.
  2. Complete the eligibility questionnaire.
  3. Fill in the application for change of insurance contract rules.
  4. After verifying the data entered, confirm the change of insurance contract rules.
  5. When changing the rules of the insurance contract, you will also be asked to agree to an e-invoice with automatic payment.

If you choose this payment method, your monthly insurance premiums will be debited automatically. If you have any questions when changing the terms of your insurance contract in the Internet Bank, please call us on 1884. Our Advice Centre specialists will be happy to help and advise you.

  • The accumulated amount will be disbursed to you upon the expiry of the Safe Pension Fund agreement. You will be paid either the amount of investment value of the agreement or guarantee amount, whichever is bigger upon the expiry of the insurance agreement.
  • Before the expiry of the Safe Pension Fund agreement, you have to submit an application for insurance benefit disbursement. You can do it on internet banking or by registering and arriving to the Swedbank branch of your choice. When filling in an application at a bank branch, you must have your identity document – passport or identity card with you.
  • Funds accumulated in the Safe Pension Fund are your property. In case of your death, the saved amount will be paid to your heirs or to the beneficiaries named in the insurance agreement.

If you have any question or hesitation regarding your insurance agreement or disbursement of accumulated savings, you are kindly invited to call us 1884, send us an email or book a consultation via our internet bank to the nearest „Swedbank“ branch.

You will find information about the procedure of claim settlement and answers to the applicants' questions.

In case of any doubt in our answer, you always have the right to apply to the Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania: correspondence address: Žalgirio g. 90, LT-09303 Vilnius The description of the detailed procedure of dispute settlement is available on the website of the Bank of Lithuania.

What is sustainability in saving for a pension by choosing unit-linked life insurance? First of all, it is a conscious choice to invest in industries and companies that operate sustainably.
The integration of sustainability risks into investment-decision processes is critical to for a greater chance of a long-term return on investments. The sustainability assessment of enterprises includes the following criteria:

  • CO2 emissions
  • Pollution, waste
  • Energy consumption
  • Water consumption
  • Consumption of other resources
  • Employee health and well-being
  • Fair remuneration
  • Human rights and equal opportunities
  • Product safety
  • Value for communities
  • Business ethics
  • Transparency
  • Anti-corruption
  • Accountability
  • Data protection
  • Clear structure
  • Accumulation in a unit-linked life insurance in pension fund promote E/S characteristics by investing in companies which help to attain the UN Sustainable Development Goals, refraining from investing in harmful industries or in companies which breaches of international norms.
  • For more information on the sustainability characteristics of this product, please refer to the Sustainability-related disclosures. Sustainability-related disclosures.
  • For more information on annual performance of the sustainability characteristics of this product, please refer to periodic report: 2023 report.

Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors

Investors are actively directing money to sustainable investments.

{ "xAxis": { "visible": true, "categories": ["2014", "2016", "2018", "2036"] }, "yAxis": { "visible": true, "title": "" }, "legend": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "column": { "stacking": "normal", "dataLabels": { "enabled": false } } } }

Source: International Institute for Sustainable Developments

A man and a woman on the smartphone reads information about sustainabilityLet’s take a sustainable step – for the benefit of all

Life insurance supports your family when you are unable to do so.

Invest in your child’s future right now – sign a contract in internet bank and accumulate funds for Your child‘s studies or for the beginning of his independent life

Safe Pesnion Fund is a unit-linked life insurance service provided by Swedbank Life Insurance SE Lithuania Branch through its representative Swedbank, AB.

Please note that the investment value of the contract may either increase or decrease depending on the actual yield of investments. The insurer does not provide guarantees of yield on investments and accumulated investment value.

The insurer will pay the guaranteed amount provided that the contract remains in effect until the end of the terms and the investment value of the contract is lower than the guaranteed amount as of the end of the term of the contract.

The information provided may not be treated as the insurer‘s recommendation to choose this service; you are responsible for your choice, therefore, prior to deciding on the entering into the unit-linked life insurance contract you should familiarise yourself with the detailed information contained in the insurance rules, descriptions of investment allocations and other information published on

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С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

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From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

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Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

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  • The operating system of your device & your browser are too outdated to be supported by Swedbank Internet Bank. Please, update the operating system & browser or turn to IT specialist for technical help.
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