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Mini Invest

Make investments with everyday card payments!

  • Each card payment you make today can become a small investment for your future.
  • Enable round-up for your daily purchases and invest spare change in chosen Robur fund.
  • It’s simple, easy, and automated – start building your investments with just a few clicks!

Launch in Swedbank app:

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If you don't see this functionality – please update the app.

Card payments include all payments with cards and digital wallets, except cash withdrawals. The calculation is only an estimate, that an average of EUR 0.50 is rounded-up for Mini investments with each card payment. Selected earning rate is used for calculations of the estimated results. Earning rates for this contract are not guaranteed and future cannot be predicted. In order to see the impact of different earning rates to your savings you can enter different rates and calculate the results with more positive and negative scenarios. { "chart": { "height": 250 }, "xAxis": { "visible": true }, "yAxis": { "visible": true, "title": { "text": "EUR" } }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "marker": { "radius": 0, "states": { "hover": { "radius": 4 } } } } }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true, "shared": true } }
  • 0 
  • 0 
  • 0 

What is the compound effect?

Start investing

Purpose of the calculator is to illustrate the average monthly sum to be invested and return from the investment in a particular time period. Calculator value limits do not refer to maximum or minimum returns in chosen period. Return displayed in the calculator is not guaranteed nor based on real market returns. Fees have not been taken into account. Investing entails risks. Read more about equity markets average gross return.

Remember, that value of any investment may increase or decrease in time. Historic returns do not guarantee similar results in the future.

If you have saved 10 000 EUR and get return of 10%, the capital will increase by 1000 EUR. If the return is 10% also next year, the capital will increase by 1100 EUR because then the return is earned from 11 000 EUR (the initial 10 000 EUR of your initial savings plus 1000 EUR from the return of the first year). In the long run, the compound effect can make a big difference.

The average equity markets return indicated in the calculator is the return of MSCI World from 07.10.2002 to 20.09.2023, rounded to the closest percentage point. MSCI World index is one of the most known broad-based indices in the world; it is composed on roughly 1500 large- and mid-cap companies of 23 developed countries. The average return of MSCI World index for any other period may be different. MSCI World is an equity index, so if your desired product or whole portfolio has less than 100% of equity risk, you should use a proportionally lower rate of return in the calculator for illustrative calculations. Furthermore, since MSCI World is calculated in US dollars, then fluctuation of currency rates may impact the rate of return earned in your base currency.

1. Each time you pay by card

Whenever you pay by card, your purchase sum will be rounded up to the next full euro.

2. A small amount is set aside

The difference will be set aside in your bank account as a reserve for investment.

3. And invested automatically

Once a week this reserved sum will be automatically invested in your chosen Robur fund.

It’s simple – the more often you pay with your card, the more you’ll set aside for Mini Investments.

  • When enabled, the round-up allows a small sum to be set aside every time you pay with any of your cards.
  • The sum is the difference between your purchase amount and the next full euro. For example, if you pay EUR 2.65, then EUR 0.35 will be automatically set aside for Mini Investment.
  • The round-up feature is enabled automatically when launching your Mini Investments. You can enable and disable the Mini investments round-up feature at any time.
  • It applies to payments by all your cards – both debit and credit.
  • You will make your money work for you and protect it from inflation.
  • You will be able to earn a long-term investment return.
  • Transactions with Swedbank funds and safekeeping are free of charge.
  • Investing into funds gives a possibility to minimize the issuer risk, as investments are done into many different companies.
  • Swedbank Robur is one of the largest Scandinavian asset management companies active since 1967.
  • Swedbank Robur is managed by professional investment managers with extensive experience.
  • We offer investment fund solutions covering most of the major regions of the world, sectors and asset classes.
  • The key objective of Swedbank Robur is to make sustainable investments.
  1. Open the app, go to “Services” > “Savings, Investments” and tap on “Mini Invest”
  2. Then choose a fund from the funds list.
  3. Open a securities account if you haven’t already got one.
  4. That’s it! Your Mini Investments are launched.

Have in mind, that your first fund purchase will happen in about a week. Your card payments‘ round-ups will start from the first card purchase made after launching Mini Investments.

  • Mini Investments are available to use for persons of 18 years and older.
  • Every investor needs to have a securities account. You’ll easily open it when launching Mini Investments.
  • No minimum first contribution needed – after launch, your Mini Investments will start from your first card payment made.
  • When and if you disable round-up, money reserved for Mini Investments will be released back to your bank account free of charge.
  • You are able to sell your Mini Investments’ funds at any time and with no fee charged. Note! When funds are sold, money will be deposited into your servicing account within 2-4 working days depending on the funds’.

Note! After selling your funds you might need to declare income and pay taxes.


You can view your investments’ results by choosing “Savings, Investments”-> “Overview”->”“My portfolio” in your internet bank or “My investments” in the mobile app.
  • The round-up feature can be used for more than one purpose at a time: for saving with Easy Saver and investing with Mini Investments.
  • If you have Easy Saver with card payments‘ round-up enabled, it will stay active after you’ll start using Mini Investments.
  • Have in mind, that in this situation, your round-up will double. For example, when you’ll make a purchase of EUR 4.50, 50 cents will go to your Easy Saver round-up & additional 50 cents will be set aside for Mini Investments. In this case, a total sum of EUR 1 will be set aside from your cash account.
You will automatically top up your savings with a small amount every time you pay by card. An investment solution if you want to create a diversified portfolio of securities on your own quickly and simply. Useful tips, market reviews, experts’ comments and so much more for those interested in investing! Take stock of your financial health and get useful insights and advice.
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Nuo 2021 03 23 nebebus galima jungtis prie „Swedbank“ interneto banko naudojantis naršykle „Internet Explorer“.

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С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

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