Life insurance premium payments can be made by one of the following methods:
Order e-invoicing and it automatic payment by logging-in to the online banking system here . Select the required insurance contract in the window that opens, click on ‘Manage my contract’, select the type of change in ‘Changing the Payment Method’ and click on ‘Go’;
Order automatic payment of e-invoices by logging-in to the online banking system here . In the window that opens, click on the senders name in the e-invoice and then on ‘Conclude Agreement on Automatic Payment’;
By logging-in to the online banking system here (enter ‘Swedbank Life Insurance SE’ Lithuania Branch as a payee, payment reference 385);
By usual payment orders;
Paid in cash at branches of Swedbank. Please register for a visit online or by calling 1884.
Important. If you are going to make your life insurance payments by a usual payment order, or from your account with another bank in Lithuania:
Payment details: Name of payee: ’Swedbank Life Insurance SE’ Lithuania Branch Payee’s ID: 302458056 Payee’s account: LT15 7300 0100 0244 1761
When making your life insurance payments by a usual payment order it is necessary to specify the payer’s ID in the ‘Payment Purpose’ box. The payer’s ID is the number of the insurance policy, with the first two digits repeated twice, e. g. insurance policy No 5100242433, payer‘s ID 515100242433.
If you have any questions please call us on 1884. We will be glad to help you.
Insured event is an accident (trauma), a critical illness, a grave disability, death or another event in case of occurrence of which the insurer is liable to pay an insurance indemnity.
In case of occurrence of an insured event, an application has to be completed by an adult policyholder (the person who experienced the event) or, if the policyholder is a minor – by one of the parents. In the event of death the application is completed by the beneficiary or a legal heir/heirs.
If you are injured, see a doctor or medical facility within 48 hours. Only fill in the claim form when you have documents proving the insured event.
You can fill in an application for an insured event:
by logging in to the Internet Bank here . Fill in the necessary information about the event and upload the medical documents step by step. Complete the form by clicking “Confirm”.
If Swedbank is not your main bank and /or you do not use Swedbank’s online banking system, application can be submitted by visiting a Swedbank branch. Please registerfor a visit online or by calling 1884.
Before arriving to the bank’s branch please make sure that you have a personal ID document – a passport or a personal ID card.
It is important to present documents evidencing the entitlement to the indemnity, which will be appended to the insured event application:
In the event of an accident (trauma):
Documents from a healthcare institution containing an approved diagnosis and a description of the anamnesis, examinations and treatment prescribed;
Excerpts from the person’s medical history, signed and stamped by a member of staff of the healthcare institution, or data from the E-sveikata portal, recording the date of the incident, describing the injuries sustained by the insured person, the confirmed diagnosis, and the type and duration of treatment;
A report on the event drawn up at the policyholder‘s workplace or police and a court decision where applicable;
Other documents proving the event (if any).
In the event of a critical illness:
Documentation from a healthcare institution or data from the E-sveikata portal with a confirmed diagnosis, medical history, tests and a description of the treatment given;
Epicrisis of the critical illness;
Other documents proving the event (if any).
In the event of a grave disability:
Official documents issued by the Disability and Work Capability Assessment Service of the Republic of Lithuania evidencing that the policyholder has been assessed as a person with a grave disability (30% or lower capacity for work for at least 12 months without interruption) and providing information about the grounds for the conclusion on grave disability, period and information about loss of capability for work: a certificate, a disabled person’s certificate, a conclusion and (if additionally requested by the insurer) a copy of the work capability assessment report;
Extracts from the policyholder’s medical record or copies thereof approved according to a procedure prescribed by law;
An extract from an inpatient and/or outpatient medical institution or data from the E-sveikata portal confirming the fact of the Insured Event, describing in detail the diagnosis and the results of the medical examinations confirming it, on the basis of which the diagnosis has been recognised (in the event of the Insurer's request for additional information), or a copy of the same certified in accordance with the procedure laid down by law.
A conclusion of investigators and/or the court on the causes and circumstances of the accident ((if additionally requested by the insurer).
In the event of loss of capability for work:
Documents from a healthcare institution containing an approved diagnosis and a description of the anamnesis, examinations and treatment prescribed;
Certificate of assessment of a special need for long-term care;
Certificate of the degree of capability for work;
Other documents proving the event (if any).
In the event of death:
Death certificate / Medical death certificate or a notarially certified copy thereof;
Certificate of inheritance right unless the insurance contract specifies the beneficiary in the event of the policyholder‘s death;
A report on the event drawn up at the policyholder‘s workplace or police and a court decision where applicable;
Other documents proving the event (if any.
If you have any questions please call us on 1884. We will be glad to help you.
Filing an application upon expiry of the term of contract or applying for termination of contract or for receiving part of investment value
You can complete the application for receiving payments in the following ways:
By logging-in to the online banking system here . In the window that opens, select the required insurance contract, click on ‘Manage my contract’, select the type of payment and click on ‘Go’
If Swedbank is not your main bank and /or you do not use Swedbank’s online banking system, application can be submitted by visiting a Swedbank branch. Please register for a visit online or by calling 1884.
Before arriving to the bank‘s branch please make use that you have a personal ID document – a passport or a personal ID card.
IN addition, you must present the following documents for taxation purposes:
For persons who are residents of countries other than Lithuania – a certificate evidencing your place of residence. Such certificates are issued, for taxation purposes, by national tax administrators.
If your level of capacity to participate/capability for work was assessed at 0-25 % or 30-40 %, please provide a copy of your disability certificate.
Before taking a decision to withdraw part of the funds or to terminate the insurance contract and withdraw the funds, please call us on 1884 for a consultation.
Changes related to reclaiming the personal income tax relief: what is important to note?
For life insurance savings and 3rd pillar pension fund contracts concluded before 31 December 2024, the possibility to reclaim personal income tax on the paid premiums will be available for 10 years .
Those who already have these contracts will be able to reclaim the tax relief until 31 December 2034.
From 1 January 2025, the tax relief will no longer apply to new contracts.
Tax relief
If you accumulate additional funds for your pension, the beginning of your children’s independent life or you have concluded another cumulative life insurance contract, you may use a PIT (personal income tax) relief. You may be refunded up to 20% of your paid life insurance premiums annually.
Calculate how much you need to pay in insurance premiums to get the full benefit of the relief on the income tax of individuals.
Use the calculator
The maximum amount of premiums, of which PIT may be refunded, cannot exceed 25 per cent of taxable income received by you during the entire tax period. This condition is stipulated in Article 21(3) of the Law on Personal Income Tax .
Permanent residents of the Republic of Lithuania may be refunded PIT of premiums of EUR 1500 paid according to their cumulative life insurance contracts and to pension funds. Thus, the maximum amount of EUR 300 may be refunded per year.
Who is eligible for the PIT relief?
Permanent residents of the Republic of Lithuania who pay life insurance premiums according to their life insurance contracts, which provide that indemnity shall be paid not only upon an insured event but also upon expiry of the insurance contract, are eligible for the PIT relief.
You may use the relief if you pay premiums according to the life insurance contract:
on your behalf;
on your spouse’s behalf;
on behalf of your minor children (adopted children, foster children who have been established permanent care (foster care) in a family) or on behalf of disabled children under 18 and older (adopted children, foster children who have been established permanent care (social care) in a family;
on behalf of persons of full age who have been established permanent care (foster care) in a family before coming of full age) and/or who have been established a special need for permanent care (children under 18 and older (adopted children, foster children) and/or who have been established permanent care (foster care) in a family, on behalf of persons of full age who have been established permanent care (foster care) in a family before coming of full age) who were established full disability before 30 June 2005).
When and how may the part of insurance premiums be refunded?
You may be refunded the part of income tax of your life insurance premiums paid during the calendar year, specified in the law, when you submit an annual income tax return. When your tax return is accepted and examined, you will be refunded by the State Tax Inspectorate.
Validity of law
The Law on Personal Income Tax entered into force on 1 January 2003. This law applies to life insurance contracts concluded before 31 December 2002 and to contracts concluded after this date.
If you need further information, please visit the website of the State Tax Inspectorate or call us 1884.
Upon amendment to the Republic of Lithuania Law on Personal Income Tax, reliefs specified in subparagraphs 9, 91 and 10 of paragraph 17 of the Republic of Lithuania Law on Personal Income Tax as of 01.01.2017 shall apply if:
the beneficiary indicated in the insurance contract has not changed since the date of conclusion of the insurance contract;
the beneficiary has been changed due to the death of the beneficiary, due to dissolution of current marriage or entering into new marriage or if the beneficiary – your child (adopted child, foster child) has been substituted by another child (adopted child, foster child);
the beneficiary changed before 31 December 2016.
Please note that the change of the beneficiary or the policyholder before the end of the insurance contract in order to avoid the personal income tax might be treated as abuse and indemnity might be subject to the 15% PIT rate. Taxation on benefits
To find out the conditions of taxation that apply to the benefits you receive, please select the period during which your agreement has been concluded:
Agreement duration
Agreements concluded
Up to 10 years
10 years and more
Before 31.12.2002
Has taken advantage of PITR
Has not taken advantage of PITR
* Of the share of premiums for which a personal income tax relief (PITR) has been refunded.
Agreement duration
Agreements concluded
Less than 10 years
10 and more years
From 01.01.2003
Has taken advantage of PITR
Has not taken advantage of PITR
0% – for agreements concluded from 01.05.2004 to 31.12.2008, when no advantage has been taken of PITR and premiums were paid only by a resident
** Of the share of premiums for which a personal income tax (PIT) has been refunded and of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
*** Of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
Agreement duration
Agreements concluded
Less than 10 years
10 and more years
From 01.01.2003 to 31.12.2012
Has taken advantage of PITR
Has not taken advantage of PITR
0% – for agreements concluded from 01.05.2004 to 31.12.2008, when no advantage has been taken of PITR and premiums were paid only by a resident
** Of the share of premiums for which a personal income tax (PIT) has been refunded and of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
*** Of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
**** Of the share of premiums for which a personal income tax (PIT) has been refunded.
Agreement duration
Agreements concluded
Less than 5 years
5 and more years
From 01.01.2003 until 31.12.2012
Has taken advantage of PITR
Has not taken advantage of PITR
0% – for agreements concluded from 01.05.2004 to 31.12.2008, when no advantage has been taken of PITR and premiums were paid only by a resident of Lithuania
** Of the share of premiums for which a personal income tax (PIT) has been refunded and of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
*** Of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
Agreement duration
Agreements concluded
Less than 5 years
5 and more years
From 01.01.2003 until 31.12.2012
Has taken advantage of PITR
Has not taken advantage of PITR
0% – for agreements concluded from 01.05.2004 to 31.12.2008, when no advantage has been taken of PITR and premiums were paid only by a resident of Lithuania
** Of the share of premiums for which a personal income tax (PIT) has been refunded and of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
*** Of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
Agreement duration
Agreements concluded
Less than 10 years
10 and more years
From 01.01.2013
Has taken advantage of PITR
Has not taken advantage of PITR
** Of the share of premiums for which a personal income tax (PIT) has been refunded and of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
*** Of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
Agreement duration
Agreements concluded
Less than 10 years
10 and more years
From 01.01.2013
Has taken advantage of PITR
Has not taken advantage of PITR
** Of the share of premiums for which a personal income tax (PIT) has been refunded and of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
*** Of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
**** Of the share of premiums for which a personal income tax (PIT) has been refunded.
Agreement duration
Agreements concluded
Less than 5 years
5 and more years
From 01.01.2013
Has taken advantage of PITR
Has not taken advantage of PITR
** Of the share of premiums for which a personal income tax (PIT) has been refunded and of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
*** Of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
Agreement duration
Agreements concluded
Less than 5 years
5 and more years
From 01.01.2013
Has taken advantage of PITR
Has not taken advantage of PITR
** Of the share of premiums for which a personal income tax (PIT) has been refunded and of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
*** Of the share of the benefit which exceeds the amount of premiums (return on investment).
Complaints Management
Should any question or doubt concerning your insurance contract arise, first of all please:
Call us on 1884 or write to , or
Write us a message upon logging-in to your online banking account; or
Register online for a consultation at the desired Swedbank branch.
Please familiarise yourself with Swedbank’s Procedure for Consideration of and Responding to Customer Complaints .
If you have doubts over our response you can always approach the Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania.
Address for correspondence: Totorių g. 4, 01121, Vilnius.
Procedures for the resolution of disputes between consumers and participants in the financial markets are published on the website of the Bank of Lithuania .
Versions of the current rules for services
Standard contract fees changes
Standard contract fees changes
* It is possible to change the current rules of the insurance contract. More information about unit-linked life insurance "Safe Pension Fund" can be found here .
Versions of previous rules for services
With regard to the amendments of the Law on Insurance of the Republic of Lithuania, hereby informs that thresholds of cancelation fee of Contract of Investment Life Insurance and name of the management fee of investments are to be changed:
The cancelation fee of Contract of Investment Life Insurance shall not exceed 2 percent from the value of accumulated capital or 50 euros from 06 December 2018. If smaller cancellation fee is indicated in your contract concluded before the aforementioned date, it will not change after 06 December 2018.
The “management fee of investments” will be called “administration fee of investment trends” from 06 December 2018.
You do not need to undertake any actions because of these changes. More detailed information related to the Contract of Investment Life Insurance is available here .