If the card is registered with the merchant for recurring purchases and a separate contract for it exists between the customer and the merchant, the merchant will be able to charge for transactions.
For example, if a user profile has been created, card details have been supplied and a contract has been signed on iTunes, Apple and Google website, then purchases will be charged to the card according to the contract irrespective of whether or not the card is registered for internet shopping.
In which cases can card internet purchases be declined?
Since January 1, merchants are required to provide secure internet shopping. Otherwise, the transaction can be declined. The requirements apply to all European merchants and card issuers. The changes are aimed at making online shopping even more secure for customers - reducing the fraud risks, ensuring the confidentiality of the user data.
Since some online stores may not be able to prepare properly, in order to avoid inconvenience for customers who pay with a card online, Lithuania has a transitional period of 3 months. This means that in January customer card transactions in online stores will not be rejected if they do not exceed 500 EUR, in February - 250 EUR, in March - 100 EUR. Exceeding these limits, and from April - regardless of the amount, online card purchase may fail if the online store is not ready to request payment with strong customer authentication.
We hereby advise you that we are carrying out the compulsory instructions of the Gaming Control Authority and are limiting operations that are conducted using credit/debit cards for payment, in relation to control of illegal remote gaming activity operators. A list of illegal remote gaming activity operators can be found on the Internet on this website: http://lpt.lrv.lt/lt/nelegalios-losimu-veiklos-vykdytojai.
A list of remote gaming activity operators who are licensed to carry out such activity can be found on the Internet on this website: Nuotoliniai lošimai | Lošimų priežiūros tarnyba prie Lietuvos Respublikos finansų ministerijos (lrv.lt).
What should I do if my purchase is declined?
If a transaction has been declined because the merchant is not compliant with the PSD2 and other legal requirements, the bank can’t help the transaction to go through successfully in any way. In such a case, only the retailer itself can provide information to customers about other payment options if there are any. We urge to always make sure that the internet shop and the retailer are safe!
To which countries do the PSD2 requirements apply?
The PSD2 legislation applies to all countries within the European Economic Area.
Will this requirement apply to online stores registered in the USA, China or UK?
No, the PSD2 requirements are only binding for the merchants registered in the EU and EEA. However, bear in mind that many large stores and shopping platforms have subsidiaries registered in the EU.
How can I check weather a transaction will be successful in the particular internet shop?
One of the options is to look for the Secure Shopping logotype on the merchant’s website.
However, keep in mind that a transaction can also be successful in situations when merchant’s website doesn’t have such a logotype. You can also check if the merchant provides other payment methods. We urge to always make sure that the internet shop and the retailer are safe!
What exactly are those new requirements?
The PSD2 directive expands the range of cases when internet (online) purchase must be strongly authenticated (using Smart-ID, biometrics, PIN generator, mobile-ID or ID-card) and at the same time sets exceptions when the strong authentication may be not applied.
Are these changes applicable only for private cards or corporate ones too?
They are applicable for all cards, both private and corporate.