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Mortgage loan



It is best to complete your application while logged in, as many fields are previously completed. The application enables us to find the most suitable solution for you and make you a personal loan offer. Completing an application does not oblige you to sign an agreement.

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Completing an application enables us to find the most suitable solution for you and make preliminary assessment of your solvency. Completing an application does not oblige you to sign an agreement.

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A woman and a man, together with their pets, are happy they got a Swedbank Mortgage Loan

There’s no place like home!

Special offer! For A+ and A++ energy efficiency class purchases, the contract administration fee is 0 Eur.*

  • Perfect if you are planning to build a new house, renovate or buy a new place.
  • Lower interest rates when buying A+ and A++ energy-efficient housing.
  • Down payment starting from 15%.
  • Option to choose between variable or fixed interest rate.

* Valid for applications submitted before 31 August 2024, for purchases of A+ or A++ energy class properties from companies with which we cooperate, and with a discount code. Please enter the discount code provided by the seller when completing the home loan application.

Green Mortgage Loan

A special offer for those planning to buy or build an A+ and A++ energy efficiency class home!

Learn more

Mortgage loan application

I want to get the loan:

What are your needs?

Regular net monthly income at least 700 EUR per month after taxes, at least 1100 EUR per month with a co-borrower. Minimum mortgage loan amount is 20 000 euros.
Please indicate total amount (net of interest) of home loans, other mortgage loans repayable to creditors (banks, quick credit companies, natural or legal persons, etc.). The information should also be provided when you are a guarantor of such loans. Please specify the credit limit amount (net of interest). Please indicate total amount (net of interest) repayable to creditors (banks, quick credit companies, natural or legal persons, etc.) for all goods acquired by way of lease (the car(s), domestic appliances, etc. acquired on lease). The information should also be provided when you are a guarantor of such loans. Please indicate total amount (net of interest) repayable to creditors (banks, quick credit companies, natural or legal persons, etc.) of all loans obtained without pledging of property and the amount of limits granted in the bank or credit card account(s). The information should also be provided when you are a guarantor of such loans. Please indicate total amount (including interest) you must pay every month to creditors (banks, quick credit companies, natural or legal persons, etc.). The information should also be provided when you are a guarantor of such loans.
  • 0

The result of the calculator is preliminary, and it is not the bank's obligation to grant credit. The preliminary maximum possible loan amount is calculated by applying the Bank's margin, specified in the "Calculate monthly payment" section, in the "Interest rate" field, and the Euribor interest rate valid 2 days ago (assuming that this amount will not change throughout the duration of the credit agreement) and defining that a year consists of 360 days and a month - 30 days (after concluding the credit agreement, it will contain the actual number of days in each calendar month is indicated), and the loan repayment method is an annuity. Fill out the application and get an accurate personal offer.

The loan must be secured by a mortgage on real estate acceptable to the bank. By using financing services, you are making a financial commitment. Failure to meet or honour your financial commitments may adversely affect your credit history, make borrowing more expensive and risk losing ownership of the mortgaged real estate.

Your total monthly payment cannot exceed %PERCENTAGE%% from your monthly incomes. We reccomend You decrease calculated loan amount or consider to increase loan term. Minimum mortgage loan amount is 20 000 euros.
  • Down payment starting from 15%.
  • Down payment can be lower or not applied when receiving the right for a subsidy approved by the municipality.


  • 0

Insure your

  • From 0
  • From 0
  • From 0

The result of the calculator is preliminary and it is not the bank's obligation to grant credit. The preliminary monthly payment is calculated by applying the Bank's margin indicated above and the EURIBOR interest rate valid 2 days ago (assuming that this amount will not change throughout the duration of the credit agreement) and defining that a year consists of 360 days and a month - 30 days (after concluding the credit agreement, it will contain the actual number of days in each calendar month is indicated), and the loan repayment method is an annuity. Fill out the application and get an accurate personal offer.
Insurance premium calculations are preliminary, and the final insurance conditions offered to you may be different. Insurance Illness and unemployment protection and Home insurance services are provided by the Lithuanian branch of Swedbank P&C Insurance AS through the agent Swedbank AB. Risk life insurance services are provided by the Lithuanian branch of Swedbank Life Insurance SE through the agent Swedbank AB.

Home exchange is a suitable solution when you wish to swap your current property for a new home that suits you better. After you have taken out a new mortgage loan, you will have to sell your current property and pay a portion of the new loan equal to the down payment as well as repay the balance of your current mortgage loan within a transitional period of up to 12 months. During the transitional period, we may defer the repayment of the loan instalments, so you will only pay interest to the bank.

Existing loan

Transitional period This is the period, during which, after you have taken out a new mortgage loan, you will have to sell your current property and pay a portion of the new loan equal to the down payment as well as repay the balance of your current mortgage loan within a transitional period of up to 12 months. During the transitional period, we will defer the repayment of the loan instalments, so you will only pay interest to the bank.

Loan for the new property after the transitional period

Balance of loan
Period 1 year
Monthly principal repayment 0 Postponed 0
Monthly interest payment 0 0 0
Total monthly payment 0 0 0

The result of the calculator is preliminary and it is not the bank’s obligation to grant credit. The preliminary monthly payment is calculated by applying the interest rate indicated above (assuming that this rate will remain unchanged for the duration of the credit agreement) and defining that a year consists of 360 days and a month of 30 days (once the credit agreement has been concluded, it will indicate the actual number of days in each calendar month), and the loan repayment method is an annuity. Fill in the application form and get an accurate personalised offer.
Insurance premium calculations are preliminary, and the final insurance conditions offered to you may be different. Loan payment protection insurance and home insurance services are provided by Swedbank P&C Insurance AS Lithuanian Branch through the agent Swedbank, AB. Risk life insurance services are provided by Swedbank Life Insurance SE Lithuanian Branch through the agent Swedbank, AB.

  • For buying new home.
  • For purchasing land plot and building a home.
  • If you wish buy new property before selling the old one.
  • Down payment starting from 15%.

Fill in application

documentHome exchange offer for those who want to buy a new home before selling their old one

  • For other bigger expenses by collateralizing your own property.
  • For furnishing, remodelling, renovating or buying other properties (e.g. a summer house).
  • Down payment may not be needed if you collateralize your own property.

Fill in application

A state subsidy can be used for paying part of the home loan or part of the deposit.

Fill in application

Home Loans and Home Equity Loans. General Terms and Conditions documentDownload

Mortgage Loans with State Support (from 2006) and Home Loans Insured by UAB ‘Būsto paskolų draudimas‘. General Terms and Conditions documentDownload

List of independent property valuators documentDownload

What to do in case of loan repayment problems

  1. Determine how much you can expect to borrow based on your current salary and financial commitments.
  2. Fill in the application on the Internet Banking site and get a consultation.
  3. The bank notifies you of its loan decision.
  4. documentSign the loan agreement on the Internet Banking site and set up home insurance.
  5. After the notarial transaction, the bank will disburse the loan.

Any property to be bought and mortgaged must be appraised by an independent valuator.

  • Loan amount from 20,000 EUR.
  • Loan up to 85% of collateral value.
  • Loan term up to 30 years.
  • Income at least 700 EUR per month after taxes, at least 1100 EUR per month with a co-borrower.
  • Available interest rates:
    • a variable interest rate consisting of an individually set margin rate and the 6-month Euribor rate. For current Euribor rates, see here.
    • a fixed interest rate, which is set for 5 years and, at the end of the fixing period, changes to a variable interest rate set in the agreement.
  • Additional expenses (notary, real estate valuation) and bank fees will apply to your loan.
  • Loan is repayable on the basis of annuity or amortization schedule within the agreed term by pre-determined monthly payments on your chosen payment date.

You may select any of the following loan repayment methods:

  • Annuity method is the loan repayment method whereby the loan is repaid to the Bank in equal instalments consisting of the loan repayment amount and the interest amount, and such instalments are payable until the date of drawing up a new payment schedule.
  • Linear method is the loan repayment method whereby the loan is repaid to the Bank in equal instalments but the amount of the last instalment may differ from other instalments. I
  • Fixed payments annuity method is the loan repayment method whereby the loan repayment schedule is drawn up by the annuity method but the instalment consists of the interest payable for the past month and the repayable loan amount. The term of the loan agreement changes (increases/decreases) along with changes in the interest rates, however, not exceeding the pre-set term, and the monthly payment to the bank remains fixed. The fixed monthly payment may be increased for the client only in case if, along with the increase in interest, the term of the loan agreement reaches the maximum term and the fixed payment will be not sufficient to repay the loan and to pay interest. If the interest rate drops, the monthly payment decreases to the fixed amount.

The total interest rate for these loans consists of a variable interest base and an interest margin set for each customer.

The interest margin is calculated individually for each customer and depends on your credit payment history, the sustainability and continuity of your income in the long term, the liquidity of the mortgaged property, etc.

Interest base

The Bank applies the following interest bases:

  • EURIBOR interest rate base - Euro Interbank Offered Rate, expressed as an annual interest rate. EURIBOR is determined, administered and published by the European Money Markets Institute (EMMI) or other officially designated organisation. If the EURIBOR is negative, it is considered to be zero.
  • PRIME interest rate base for mortgage loans (no new loans are issued with this interest rate base):

    • Published by Swedbank on a daily basis for loans denominated in EUR;
    • consisting of two parts: EURIBOR (if EURIBOR is negative, it is considered to be zero) and the Country Economic Indicator.

For more information on the Country Economic Indicator, click documenthere.

The Variable Interest Base changes every 3/6/12 months, so the total amount of interest you pay may decrease or increase depending on the change in the Interest Base. Currently, only the 6-month part of the variable interest rate applies when signing a new loan agreement or when changing the interest rate under an existing loan agreement to a variable interest rate. The different maturity base is only applicable to loan agreements previously concluded where a different maturity base is already in place. When choosing a variable interest rate, it is important to take into account that the volatility of this interest rate during certain periods may also significantly increase your monthly interest payments to the bank due to the increase in the variable part. In order to ensure that you meet your obligations properly, the Bank recommends that you allocate no more than 30-40% of your income to meeting your financial obligations.

Find out today's Interest Base Rates here.

In the event of arrears or material breaches of the terms of the Loan Agreement, the Bank has the right to unilaterally change the interest margin. The margin will remain unchanged provided that there have been no recurrent and/or more than 15-day delays in the repayment of financial obligations to the Bank and/or the Bank’s group companies during the previous two years and there have been no breaches of the material terms of the Loan Agreement.

The long-term variable rate is fixed for a period of up to 5 years (for a new loan agreement currently being signed, or for a change in interest rates under an existing credit agreement, and for a long-term variable rate, the 5-year fixing period for the long-term variable rate applies). At the end of this period, the interest shall automatically change to a variable interest rate or, by agreement between the parties, the long-term variable interest rate may be reset.

The long-term floating rate may be fixed:

  • by signing a new Contract, provided that the maximum drawdown period is 2 months from the date of the binding offer of credit and provided that the amount of the loan is disbursed within one day.
  • for loan agreements already concluded, only after the full disbursement of the loan or at the end of the disbursement period.

In the case of a mortgage loan with long-term variable interest, the monthly instalment does not change during the period of your choice. However, it must be taken into account that at the time it is set, the long-term variable interest rate is higher than the variable interest rate applicable at that time.

Also, early repayment of a loan or part of a loan without the expiry of the interest fixation period or the maturity of the long-term variable interest, a change of the type of interest from long-term variable to variable or a change of the maturity of the long-term variable interest shall be subject to the charges set out in the Bank’s Fees for Services and Operations.

Choosing a long-term variable interest rate does not guarantee that you will pay less interest over the life of the loan, but it does allow you to pay the same fixed monthly payment as the economy changes and helps you to better plan your financial flows.

Service or operation name Fee, EUR
Fee for concluding the agreement
Loan administration fee, fee for increasing of a loan amount 0.4 % of a loan amount (minimum EUR 180)
Fee for amendments to the agreement
Fee for change of loan conditions1 (loan maturity, collaterals, etc.) EUR 180
Fee for setting of a grace period EUR 90
Fee for change of interest rate 0.4 % of taken and outstanding loan amount (minimum EUR 180)
Change of interest type from fixed to variable interest, or change of interest fixation term, or change of long-term variable interest2 term3 X% (minimum - 1.5 %) from outstanding amount of the loan the terms and conditions of which are being changed For the purpose of calculating the variable X, coefficient 0.084 is multiplied by the whole number of months remaining until the end of the interest fixation period or, respectively, until the end of period of the long-term interest fixed for a period exceeding 12 months
Early loan repayment fee
When at the moment of early loan repayment the loan is charged a variable interest rate fixed for a period not exceeding 12 months No fee. Minimum early repayment amount shall be not smaller than EUR 3004
When at the moment of early loan repayment the loan is charged a fixed interest rate or a long-term variable interest rate Compensation amount (C) shall be calculated in accordance with the procedure set forth in Annex 1
Other fees
Fee for granting the approval for remortgage (conditional mortgage) to another creditor5 EUR 150
Late payment charge for the outstanding part of the principal and for unpaid interest 0.05 % per each delayed day
Additional services EUR 45


1 Fee for change of the agreement shall not apply in the following cases:

  • when a long-term variable interest rate is charged for euro-denominated loans where not more than 1 (one) month has elapsed after the end of the loan use period;
  • for change of the servicing bank account;
  • for change of repayment day;
  • when the property being mortgaged/already mortgaged to the Bank is insured by the Bank;
  • when the loan repayment schedule is changed upon early repayment of a part of the loan and the loan balance is arranged over the residual maturity of the loan;
  • setting of a grace period for 4 months when borrowers receive 10% or 20% subsidy for existing Mortgage Loan with State Support;
  • setting of a grace period upon early repayment of a part of the loan according to the loan agreement concluded before 12 May 2008, provided that no arrangements on the change of its terms and conditions (except for the agreement on property insurance) have been signed after the specified date;
  • setting of a grace period when according to the loan agreement concluded from 12 May 2008 or according to the loan agreement regarding the amendment of terms and conditions of which arrangements were signed after the specified date (except for the agreement on property insurance), where the early repayment amount is not smaller than EUR 3006;
  • loan agreement termination arrangements when borrowers have paid the loan administration fee of the established amount after conclusion of the loan agreement and the loan has not been granted.

In individual cases higher fee for change of loan conditions may apply.

2 Before entry into force of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Credit Relating to Real Property, interest fixed for the period exceeding 12 months, but not for the entire loan maturity, was considered to be fixed interest. As from 1 July 2017, such interest is designated as “long-term variable interest”.

3 No fee is charged when, upon expiry of the term specified in the loan agreement, the long-term variable interest specified in the loan agreement is changed into variable interest in accordance with the terms and conditions of the loan agreement.

4 Were the amount obtained by dividing the outstanding amount of the loan by residual maturity (in months) is smaller than EUR 300, the borrower shall have the right of early repayment of such part of the loan which is smaller than EUR 300.

5 Where the reason for the approval of remortgage is the sale of the mortgaged property to another person who must mortgage such property in order to secure the repayment the loan being taken, the granting of such approval shall be charged a fee as specified in the common Service and Operation Fees of the Bank for the issue of certificates (about loans being granted / already granted / repaid loans.

Annex 1:  Compensation amount (C) shall be calculated in accordance with the procedure

A typical example:

If the total amount of a real estate mortgage loan is EUR 100 000, with a loan agreement term of 26 years, at a variable annual interest rate of 5.93%, with a one-off agreement administration fee of 0.4% of the loan amount (EUR 400), a minimum daily service fee (EUR 1 per month), a mortgage registration fee (EUR 8.60), and with the mortgage repayments made by annuity, the annual rate of the total cost of the loan 6.25%, and the total amount payable by the borrower would be EUR 198 689.03 The total number of repayments is 312 and the repayment amount is EUR 634.53.

The annual percentage rate of charge, the total amount payable by the borrower, the total number of loan payments and the amount of each instalment are calculated under the assumption that the credit agreement will be valid for a period equal to the duration of the credit agreement, that the entire loan will be paid out on the day that the agreement is signed, that the parties will fulfil all of their obligations properly, and that the variable interest rate, fees and other costs will remain the same as at the time of conclusion of the credit agreement and will continue to apply until the end of the credit agreement. A customer shall also bear the costs of property insurance and appraisal. These costs depend on the individual characteristics of collateral and, therefore, are not included in the total credit price in the example above.

If the loan agreement is concluded in a foreign currency, i.e. if the currency of the customer’s revenues (or the major share thereof) and/or the customer’s state of residence, which is an EU member state or a member state of the European Economic Area, from the currency of the loan issued in euros, the change of the foreign currency compared to euro may significantly increase the amount of the issued loan and the associated payments.

The loan must be secured by mortgage of real estate acceptable to the bank, and the mortgaged property must be insured by concluding an insurance agreement. A report by an independent property appraiser may be required on the value of the collateral. The costs of property insurance and appraisal depend on individual characteristics of collateral, and shall be prescribed by agreements you may have with the relevant service providers.

By using these financing services, you are assuming financial obligations. Improper fulfilment or non-fulfilment of financial obligations may have a negative impact on your credit history and make borrowing more expensive; you also risk losing ownership rights to the mortgaged real estate.

Besides, a loan administration fee may be charged at the time of entry into a credit agreement. Loan administration fees and other fees are provided here.

Home Loans and Home Equity Loans. General Terms and Conditions documentDownload

Mortgage Loans with State Support (from 2006) and Home Loans Insured by UAB ‘Būsto paskolų draudimas‘. General Terms and Conditions documentDownload

List of independent property valuators documentDownload

What to do in case of loan repayment problems

With the self-service feature, you can:

  • change payment date after the monthly payment has been made;
  • change payment account;
  • make early partial repayments.

Fill in the new loan application if you want to:

  • buy new property before selling old one;
  • apply for an additional loan.

A gift to Swedbank home loan takers

Senukai loyalty and discount card “New dweller”.

More information

Get a discount card of Senukai shopping centre for new dwellers without any restrictions!

Move to live in your new home easier and faster! Customers who have signed the Swedbank home loan agreement will be given a special loyalty and discount card “New dweller” and will be able to use it for 24 months without any restrictions.

Other offers specifically for Swedbank customers include:

  • Household appliance offers at TOP prices. Read more
  • Discounts for Kamado Bono grills. Read more

Holders of the “New dweller” card are provided with the following benefits in Senukai shopping centres*:

  • A daily 30% discount on many items. Items that are not subject to this discount are sold at wholesale prices indicated in price labels;
  • A daily 30% discount on tools rental and sewing services;
  • A possibility to get a free interior design provided that at least 50% of items needed for the implementation of this design are bought in Senukai shopping centre;
  • Free delivery of items (up to 1.5 t) at a distance of up to 20 km from Senukai store in which the items have been ordered, while ordering items for EUR 300 and more during one shopping;
  • A consultation and service by a personal manager of Senukai;
  • A possibility to order items by phone, email or by visiting your personal manager.

* The discount card is not valid for purchases made in franchise stores (view list) and online.

How to get the “New dweller” card:

  1. Having signed the home loan agreement, the discount code for the card will be available on the Internet Bank under “My agreements”.
  2. Enter this code when signing up for the “New dweller” loyalty programme. The discount code can only be used when signing up online at
  3. After you sign up, a manager of Senukai will contact you by phone and agree on the most convenient way for you to take the discount card.
Read more about the card and loyalty programme “New dweller”

The offer is valid until 2022.08.24. Swedbank, AB is not responsible for the quality of services and customer service by Senukai.

Find out more:

Phone: +370 700 35 522


Prior to making a decision regarding the loan and its amount we recommend thoroughly evaluating your personal and/or family’s financial resources. Not more than 30–40% of monthly income is recommended to be allocated for the monthly payments of all your (family’s) undertaken financial obligations.

A typical example:

If the total amount of a real estate mortgage loan is EUR 100 000, with a loan agreement term of 26 years, at a variable annual interest rate of 4.91%, with a one-off contract administration fee of 0.4% of the loan amount (EUR 400), a minimum daily service fee (EUR 1 per month), a mortgage registration fee (EUR 8.60), and with mortgage repayments made by annuity, the total cost of the loan would have an annual interest rate of 5.16%, and the total amount payable by the borrower would be EUR 179 245.17. The total number of repayments is 312 and the repayment amount is EUR 573.17.

The annual percentage rate of charge, the total amount payable by the borrower, the total number of loan payments and the amount of each instalment are calculated under the assumption that the credit agreement will be valid for a period equal to the duration of the credit agreement, that the entire loan will be paid out on the day that the agreement is signed, that the parties will fulfil all of their obligations properly, and that the variable interest rate, fees and other costs will remain the same as at the time of conclusion of the credit agreement and will continue to apply until the end of the credit agreement. A customer shall also bear the costs of property insurance and appraisal. These costs depend on the individual characteristics of collateral and, therefore, are not included in the total credit price in the example above.

If the loan agreement is concluded in a foreign currency, i.e. if the currency of the customer’s revenues (or the major share thereof) and/or the customer’s state of residence, which is an EU member state or a member state of the European Economic Area, from the currency of the loan issued in euros, the change of the foreign currency compared to euro may significantly increase the amount of the issued loan and the associated payments.

The loan must be secured by mortgage of real estate acceptable to the bank, and the mortgaged property must be insured by concluding an insurance agreement. A report by an independent property appraiser may be required on the value of the collateral. The costs of property insurance and appraisal depend on individual characteristics of collateral, and shall be prescribed by agreements you may have with the relevant service providers.

By using these financing services, you are assuming financial obligations. Improper fulfilment or non-fulfilment of financial obligations may have a negative impact on your credit history and make borrowing more expensive; you also risk losing ownership rights to the mortgaged real estate.

Besides, a loan administration fee may be charged at the time of entry into a credit agreement. Loan administration fees and other fees are provided here.

A loan suitable for energy efficient solutions in your house.

With home insurance your home is protected both against everyday incidents as well as greater risks.

Life insurance protects your loved ones against difficulties.


Home small loan helps you out if you are planning to borrow more than 5000 EUR for home improvements.

Applicable for purchasing and installing solar panels by yourself as well as for purchasing already installed remote solar panels.


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Jūsų Internet Explorer naršyklė nebepalaikoma.

Prašome naudoti Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox ar Microsoft Edge naršykles.

Nuo 2021 03 23 nebebus galima jungtis prie „Swedbank“ interneto banko naudojantis naršykle „Internet Explorer“.

Taip pat nebebus galima tvirtinti ar vykdyti mokėjimų iš „Swedbank“ kituose tinklalapiuose naudojantis „Internet Explorer“.

Siūlome Jums naudotis naršyklėmis „Google Chrome“, „Mozilla Firefox“ ar naujausia „Microsoft Edge“ versija. Norėdami sužinoti, kaip įdiegti naršykles spauskite čia.

С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

  • Jūsų įrenginio operacinė sistema ir interneto naršyklė yra pasenusi ir nėra palaikoma Swedbank interneto banke. Prašome atnaujinti operacinę sistemą bei interneto naršyklę arba kreiptis į IT specialistus techninės pagalbos.
  • The operating system of your device & your browser are too outdated to be supported by Swedbank Internet Bank. Please, update the operating system & browser or turn to IT specialist for technical help.
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New webcast "Financial Health with Ugne"!

Explore and strengthen your financial health with Ugne Sipare, comedian Evaldas Jasaitis and financial experts. New episodes every Monday on the Swedbank Lithuania Youtube channel!

Watch the show

Only participants can enjoy the treasures of the Knowledge Quiz. Join the quiz!

What do you think the participants of the Knowledge Quiz have discovered? They discovered a way to improve their financial knowledge and get all kinds of prizes!


„Swedbank”, AB
Konstitucijos pr. 20A, 09321 Vilnius, Lithuania
Legal entity code: 112029651

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Customer programmes

This is Internet Banking site of companies offering financial services - „Swedbank“ AB, Swedbank lizingas UAB, Swedbank investicijų valdymas UAB, Swedbank P&C Insurance AS Lithuanian branch, Swedbank Life Insurance SE Lithuanian branch. Before signing any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service.