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New securities account

Open a securities account and start investing

  • Free of charge opening a securities account.
  • Free of charge trading in Baltic shares via Internet Bank and Swedbank Group fund units.
  • Possibility of trading securities in the Baltic (free of charge), European, US and other markets.

How to open securities account?

The securities account can be opened remotely by the sole representative of the Lithuanian Republic registered company.

Applicable for customers with Swedbank’s current account

Please book an appointment and a consultant will guide you through the process.

Applicable for customers with Swedbank’s current account

Before opening a corporate securities account, please open a current account.

  • Opening and maintaining a securities account is free of charge.
  • More money in your account, because trading in Baltic shares via Internet Bank and Swedbank Group funds is free of charge.
  • Reliable settlement for your trades.
  • Secure and confidential information about your securities accounts.
  • Invest in shares, bonds, investment funds and other securities.
  • Trade in the Baltic (free of charge via Internet Bank), European, US and other markets.
  • Purchase securities online, by phone or at a bank’s branch.
  • Receive dividends, interest and other income from your securities to a specified account.
  • Receive securities account statements and reports.
  • The LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) code is a global legal entity identifier consisting of a 20-digit code. Legal entities are required to have an LEI code in order to perform transactions with listed securities.
  • It ensures supervision of the global financial system and market transparency.
  • We offer our customers to apply for a LEI code on a favorable conditions through our partner here.
documentSecurities account management and brokerage agreement terms and conditions
1. Trading in units of investment funds* Subscription** Regular investment** Redemption Switch***
1.1. “Swedbank” group funds Free of charge Free of charge Free of charge Free of charge
1.2. Global fixed income funds
1.2.1. Franklin Templeton funds 0,5 % + EUR 7 0,5%, min EUR 0,75 EUR 7 EUR 7
1.2.2. Funds managed by other management companies 0,5 % + EUR 21 EUR 21 EUR 21
1.3. Global equity and mixed funds
1.3.1. Franklin Templeton funds 1,5 % + EUR 7 1,5%, min EUR 0,75 EUR 7 EUR 7
1.3.3. Funds managed by other management companies 1,5 % + EUR 21 EUR 21 EUR 21
2. Monthly securities safekeeping****
2.1. “Swedbank” group funds Free of charge
2.2. Other funds 0,013 %, min. EUR 0.5 ******

* Fund orders submitted to the Bank cannot be cancelled.

** Percentage fee calculated from subscription amount. Additional fixed operations fees may be applied to subscription, redemption and fund switch transactions as specified in table above.

*** Fund switch subject to the conditions specified in the relevant fund terms, fee charged only on delivery side.

**** Safekeeping fee is calculated based on the market value of the investment fund units on the account on the last date of the calendar month.

***** Lithuanian Republic Government Saving Notes and “Swedbank” group funds are excluded from the calculation of the portfolio value for safekeeping fee calculation.

If “Swedbank”, AB (hereinafter the Bank) is obliged to pay any taxes, fees, interest, penalties or incur other costs that are not covered in the Bank’s Price List and are related to the provision of securities safekeeping, execution and any other relevant service to the Client, the Bank shall have the right to debit such amounts from the Client’s Current Account without prior Client’s consent. The Bank shall provide additional information about such debits and the underlying costs to the Client upon request.

Internet bank Branch
1. Securities account
1.1. Account opening Free of charge Free of charge
1.2. Account closing Free of charge Free of charge
1.3. Account statement of holdings / transactions Free of charge Free of charge
2. Trading in equities and ETFs *
Internet bank At branch / via brokerage
2.1. Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia Free of charge 0,35%, min EUR 10
2.2. USA, Sweden, United Kingdom (including DRs)** 0,25%, min EUR 8 0,35%, min EUR 35
2.3. Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany (Xetra), Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland 0,25%, min EUR 11 0,35%, min EUR 35
2.4. Other markets Subject to agreement Subject to agreement
2.5. Direct transactions on Nasdaq Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius trading venues Subject to agreement Subject to agreement
2.6. Participation in auctions organized by Nasdaq Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius trading venues Subject to agreement Subject to agreement
2.7. Settlement of repurchase agreement*** EUR 30

* Percentage fees calculated from trade amount.

Trading fee is charged in trading currency, the Bank exchange rates apply.

Minimum order size may be applied for certain countries.

Trading orders transmitted to the Bank can be cancelled only until executed.

In case the order is not executed in full during a single trading day, the trading fee (including minimum trading fee) for partial order execution is charged in full for each trading day when the order is partially executed.

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are treated as shares.

If purchase transactions are subject to FTT according to local market regulations (e.g. France, Italy), such tax is added to the transaction charges.

** A stamp duty of 0,5% of transaction amount on buying UK securities and 1% on buying Irish securities is added to the transaction charges. In certain events, a higher rate (1,5%), a bonus rate or tax exemption may apply for UK securities.

*** Repurchase transactions available only for professional clients.

3. Trading in debt securities
3.1. Primary market
3.1.1. Participating at the domestic bonds primary auctions held by the Ministry of Finance of Lithuania at NASDAQ Vilnius 0.02%*, min EUR 15
3.1.2. Transactions of other debt securities 0.25%*, min EUR 30
3.2. Secondary market
3.2.1 Transactions of debt securities (excluding Nasdaq Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius trading venues) - all transaction fees, incl. transaction margin, are included in the agreed purchase/sales price: Face value of the transaction up to 100,000 EUR or the equivalent in other currency margin up to 3%* Face value of the transaction from 100,000 EUR or the equivalent in other currency margin up to 2%*
3.2.2. Transactions of debt securities in Nasdaq Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius trading venues 0.25%*, min EUR 30

* Calculating from the face value of the transaction

4. Monthly securities safekeeping fee*
4.1. Lithuania

Up to EUR 150 000  0,006%

Over EUR 150 000 up to EUR 300 000 0,005%

Over EUR 300 000 0,004%

4.2. Latvia, Estonia 0,007%
4.3. Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA, Depositary Receipts 0,013%
4.4. Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland 0,03%
4.5. Eurobonds 0,008%
4.6. Russia 0,07%
4.7. Minimum safekeeping fee** EUR 0,5

* Safekeeping fee is calculated based on the value of the portfolio on the last date of the calendar month. Securities are priced according to the month end prices of the Bank’s local agents, market price or nominal value of the security. Bonds are always priced at nominal value. The safekeeping fees are debited from the Client’s current account linked to the securities account.

ETF safekeeping fee equals to the safekeeping fee of its trading country.

Safekeeping on other markets subject to separate agreement.

Safekeeping fee includes safekeeping fees charged by the Bank’s local market agents

Safekeeping of Depositary Receipts (ADR, GDR) is subject to the respective DR Agent’s fees.

** Monthly minimum safekeeping fee is per securities accounts and charged only for accounts with holdings if total monthly account fee is below minimum.

5. Transaction fees*
5.1. Free of payment transaction
5.1.1. Between the securities accounts of the Bank’s client** EUR 3
5.1.2. Lithuania Free of payment delivery EUR 6 Free of payment receipt Free of charge
5.1.3. Estonia, Latvia*** EUR 10
5.1.4. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Belgium, Canada, France, Ireland, Netherlands, UK, Germany, USA, Eurobonds*** EUR 15
5.1.5. Austria, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Investment funds*** EUR 25
5.1.6. Bulgaria, Croatia, Russia*** EUR 45
5.2. Against payment transaction
5.2.1. Lithuania
5.2.2. Estonia, Latvia*** EUR 10
5.2.3. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Belgium, Canada, France, Ireland, Netherlands, UK, Germany, USA, Eurobonds*** EUR 15
5.2.4. Austria, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Investment funds*** EUR 25
5.2.5. Bulgaria, Croatia, Russia*** EUR 45
5.3. Transaction cancellation**** Transaction fee

* Fees charged from both parties of the transaction if not specified otherwise.

For investment fund units’ trading, please see „Investment Fund Units’ Trading and Safekeeping“

** Fee is charged from delivery transaction

*** Transaction fee includes standard settlement fees charged by the Bank’s local market agents.

**** Cancellation is allowed if instruction is not yet processed by the Bank.

6. Other services
6.1. Registration of other transactions
6.1.1. Bank’s standard OTC agreement between the securities accounts of the Bank’s clients* 10 Eur
6.1.2. Non-standard OTC agreement* Subject to agreement, min. EUR 50
6.1.3. Bank internal inheritance transaction between the securities accounts of the Bank’s clients** EUR 10
6.1.4. Third party broker trade confirmation Transaction fee
6.2. Pledge
6.2.1. Pledge registration or amendment*** EUR 30
6.2.2. Pledge release Free of charge
6.3. Participation in subscriptions and offers Transaction fee
6.4. Mandatory corporate actions Free of charge
6.5. Representing a client at general meeting**** EUR 120 + actual expenses
6.6. Processing of electronic voting instructions at general meeting***** EUR 50 + actual expenses
6.7. Other corporate actions Subject to agreement
6.8. Changing the securities market****** Subject to agreement
6.9. Tax reclaim****,******* EUR 60 + actual expenses
6.10. Tax relief at source (Finland, Norway, Sweden) Free of charge
6.11. Owner account at Nasdaq CSD********
6.11.1. Account opening********* EUR 50
6.11.2. Monthly account maintenance********** EUR 50
6.11.3. Account closing Free of charge
6.11.4. Account statement of holdings / transactions Free of charge

* Fees charged from both parties of the transaction if not specified otherwise.

** In case of inheritance of securities, fee charged only from the beneficiary. Free of payment transaction fee applies additionally, in case securities delivered/received to/from another custodian.

*** Pledge registration based on bailiff’s instructions is free of charge.

**** Tax reclaim and general meeting services are subject to availability on each specific market.

***** Includes necessary information providing to the Client for electronic voting. Service is subject to availability on each specific market.

****** Service is provided in case when trading or safekeeping in specific market is not available anymore. Service is subject to availability on each specific market.

******* Fee will be debited next month after the tax reclaim application is submitted by the client. The fee will not be refunded in case the application is denied by third parties.

******** Owner account is an account in the name of the Client opened at Nasdaq CSD, Lithuania and used only on behalf of the specific Client.

********* Owner accounts can be opened only at the branch office.

********** Maintenance fee is charged in addition to monthly securities safekeeping fee.

7. Derivatives
7.1. Over-The-Counter (OTC) FX forward and FX swap up to 2% from deal amount (included in currency rate)
7.2. Over-The-Counter (OTC) FX option up to 2% from deal amount (included in premium amount)
7.3. Exchange-Traded options and futures up to EUR 100 *

*Applicable for every contract.

Norwegian dividend taxation

As of 2019, rules concerning the application of a lower withholding tax rate than 25 per cent will apply on dividend distributions from Norwegian companies to foreign shareholders.

  • Statutory tax rate: 25%
  • Treaty rate for Lithuanian residents: 15%

Treaty tax rate may be applied if client’s tax residency is Lithuania and the client provides valid documents to the bank according to requirements mentioned below. Additionally, stocks have to be on the securities account on the ex-date.

For application of reduced withholding tax rate, the client has to provide the bank with necessary documents at the latest three business days before dividend ex-date.

The client shall be liable for submission of required documents, also for the accuracy of the documents and payment of all taxes associated with the securities. The bank shall not be liable for damages caused to the client due to applied tax rate or due to failure to submit required documents or to submit these on time. The bank shall not be obliged to remind the client about the need to provide or update documents needed for application of lower tax rate.
  • A certificate of residency (CoR)

    Issued by local Tax Authority

    Certificate has to refer to Double Taxation Treaty between Lithuania and Norway.

    As the certificate of residency is valid only for present calendar year, the certificate of residency has to be provided for each year the treaty rate is applied for.

  • Confirmation from the dividend recipient that they are the beneficial owner of the dividend

    Document sample is added. Current document is valid after first submission until underlying circumstances will change and client presents new confirmation.

A legal person will need to submit the following documents to Swedbank for income tax under the double taxation agreement:

confirming the dividend recipient is entitled to a reduced withholding tax rate.

To obtain this approval, the customer must apply to the Norwegian tax authorities for a more favorable income tax rate or tax exemption to the following address:

Central Tax Office - Foreign Tax Affairs (SFU)
Postboks 9200 Grønland
0134 Oslo

The Approval is valid until underlying circumstances will change. In which case client has to present new confirmation.

Issued by local Tax Authority

Certificate has to refer to Double Taxation Treaty between Lithuania and Norway.

As the certificate of residency is valid only for present calendar year, the certificate of residency has to be provided for each year the treaty rate is applied for.

Document sample is added. Current document is valid after first submission until underlying circumstances will change and client presents new confirmation.

If based on the Approval a tax exemption is applied (0%), then the Approval is valid for three years after first submission or until underlying circumstances will change. Client has to provide following confirmation after every three years from initial acceptance.

The confirmation has to be presented before three years have passed from initial Approval date.

Suggested process for legal person should be:

  • Documents can be provided to the bank over the year, three business days before dividend ex-date at the latest.
  • If required documentation is not provided to the bank before dividend ex-date, then dividend will be paid out with statutory rate (25%).
  • A certificate of residency (issued by local Tax Authority) should be renewed every year, since it is given only for present calendar year.

Process for presenting needed documentation to the bank:

You can upload needed document here.

As a legal person you can upload documents in the business customer internet bank.

Choose Type → Investment Agreements

Subtype has to be chosen accordingly to uploaded document. Each document is uploaded under separate, specific subtype. Only relevant subtypes are available for private and corporate customer.

Please revise if you have presented all the necessary documents.

All documents presented to bank have to be manually signed (preferably with blue ink pen)! Manually signed document has to be scanned and uploaded.

Documents are valid until underlying circumstances will change, in which case client has to present new documents and notify bank.

Finnish dividend taxation

As of January 2024 Finnish dividend reciever has to submit a new form – Investor Self-Declaration (dividends). The declaration is valid for the year of submission and the following 5 years or until underlying circumstances change. Previously provided Beneficial Owner Confirmation is not valid from 01.04.2024.

Please fill out a new form and upload with your Certificate of Residency.

NB! Please mark all your Securities accounts in Swedbank where Finnish Securities are held or will be held.

As of January 1st, 2021, rules for the application of a lower withholding tax rate on dividend distributions from Finnish companies to foreign shareholders, in contrast to 30/20 per cent* applied for foreign residents, enter into force.

NB! Lower withholding tax rates are not available for those Finnish securities which are traded in other markets than Finland.

* Statutory tax rates in Finland non-residents:

  • 30% for private persons
  • 20% for legal entities
  • Treaty tax rate for Lithuania an residents: 15%

Treaty tax rate may be applied if your tax residency is in Lithuania and you are able to provide valid documents to the bank according to requirements mentioned below. Additionally, stocks have to be on the securities account on the ex-dividend date.

For application of reduced withholding tax rate, you must provide the bank with necessary documents three business days before dividend ex-date at the latest.

The client shall be liable for submission of required documents, also for the accuracy of the documents and payment of all taxes associated with the securities. The bank shall not be liable for damages caused to the client due to applied tax rate or due to failure to submit required documents or to submit these on time. The bank shall not be obliged to remind the client about the need to provide or update documents needed for application of lower tax rate.
  • According to the Finnish regulation, 25,5% WHT will be applied to the Client whose data can be disclosed (name, ID, address, Finnish tax-ID). If Swedbank do not have all relevant data, 50% withholding tax will be applied.
  • If you are Finnish tax resident, please make sure you have provided your Finnish tax-ID to Swedbank.
  • A Certificate of Residency (CoR)

    Issued by local Tax Authority.

    Certificate has to refer to Double Taxation Avoidance Convention between Lithuania and Finland.

    Certificate should be in English and manually signed.

    As the certificate of residency is valid only for current calendar year, the certificate of residency has to be provided for each year the treaty rate is applied for.

  • Investor Self-Declaration (dividends)

    As of January 2024 Finnish dividend reciever has to submit a new form – Investor Self-Declaration (dividends). The declaration is valid for the year of submission and the following 5 years or until underlying circumstances change. Previously provided Beneficial Owner Confirmation is not valid from 01.04.2024.

    Please fill out a new form of Investor Self-Declaration (dividends) for

    and upload with your Certificate of Residency.

    NB! Please mark all your Securities accounts in Swedbank where Finnish Securities are held or will be held.

  • In order to receive a favorable tax rate, it is necessary to submit both the certificate of residency (CoR) and Investor Self-Declaration (dividends)
  • Documents can be provided to the bank over a year in advance, three business days before dividend ex-date at the latest.
  • 35% tax rate will be applied if, at the time of payment, there is no identifying information on the beneficial owner.
  • A certificate of residency (issued by local Tax Authority) should be renewed every year, since it is valid only for current calendar year.

Process for presenting needed documentation to the bank:

You can upload needed document here.

As a legal person you can upload documents in the business customer internet bank.

Choose Type → Investment Agreements

Subtype has to be chosen accordingly to uploaded document. Each document is uploaded under separate, specific subtype. Only relevant subtypes are available for private and corporate customer.

Please revise if you have presented all the necessary documents.

All documents presented to bank have to be manually signed (preferably with blue ink pen)! Manually signed document has to be scanned and uploaded.

Documents are valid until underlying circumstances will change, in which case client has to present new documents and notify bank.

Taxation of Swedish dividends

Foreign shareholders of Swedish companies are subject to:

  • Statutory tax rate of 30%; or
  • Treaty tax rate of 15% for Lithuanian residents.

NB! Treaty tax rate is applicable only in case of Swedish company’s shares purchased directly from the Stockholm Stock Exchange. It does not demand any additional actions from customers.

It is not possible to request the treaty tax rate for those Swedish securities that are traded on markets others than Sweden.

  • From 01.09.2022, Swedbank will not be able to apply the treaty tax rate to dividends paid out by Swedish companies, which have been purchased from the Helsinki Stock Exchange in Finland. In the case of those securities, the applicable tax rate is 30%.

Investing in different companies.

Investing from EUR 1. A great choice for a beginner investor.

The right investment solution if you want to build up a diversified portfolio of securities easily and quickly yourself.

Investing in debt securities issued by governments or corporations.

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Jūsų Internet Explorer naršyklė nebepalaikoma.

Prašome naudoti Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox ar Microsoft Edge naršykles.

Nuo 2021 03 23 nebebus galima jungtis prie „Swedbank“ interneto banko naudojantis naršykle „Internet Explorer“.

Taip pat nebebus galima tvirtinti ar vykdyti mokėjimų iš „Swedbank“ kituose tinklalapiuose naudojantis „Internet Explorer“.

Siūlome Jums naudotis naršyklėmis „Google Chrome“, „Mozilla Firefox“ ar naujausia „Microsoft Edge“ versija. Norėdami sužinoti, kaip įdiegti naršykles spauskite čia.

С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

  • Jūsų įrenginio operacinė sistema ir interneto naršyklė yra pasenusi ir nėra palaikoma Swedbank interneto banke. Prašome atnaujinti operacinę sistemą bei interneto naršyklę arba kreiptis į IT specialistus techninės pagalbos.
  • The operating system of your device & your browser are too outdated to be supported by Swedbank Internet Bank. Please, update the operating system & browser or turn to IT specialist for technical help.
  • Ваш браузер или операционная система недостаточно современны для использования в интернет банке Swedbank. Пожалуйста обновите операционную систему и браузер или обратитесь за технической помощью к ИТ специалисту.

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„Swedbank”, AB
Konstitucijos pr. 20A, 09321 Vilnius, Lithuania
Legal entity code: 112029651

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This is Internet Banking site of companies offering financial services - „Swedbank“ AB, Swedbank lizingas UAB, Swedbank investicijų valdymas UAB, Swedbank P&C Insurance AS Lithuanian branch, Swedbank Life Insurance SE Lithuanian branch. Before signing any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service.