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For farmers

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Getting to growing farms through financing solutions

  • New! Financing without strong collateral up to 50,000 EUR with EIF Guarantees.
  • Farm leasing for agricultural machinery.
  • Long-term loans for farmers.
  • Loans for the purchase of agricultural land.

Let's talk about developing your farm

Topical! For a loan agreement signed with guarantee provided by UAB ILTE you can submit an application for interest compensation from this company.

Learn more

  • Acquisition of agricultural machinery or equipment.
  • Construction or reconstruction of a farm, warehouse, grain drying facility or any other piece of real estate.
  • Investment in biological assets (perennials planted for agricultural products, cattle and other domestic animals acquired for production of milk, for reproduction and breeding of herd).
  • Acquisition of agricultural land.
  • Loan amount from 10 000 EUR.
  • Term up to 5 years, for purchasing agricultural land up to 20 years.
  • Amount of loan when agricultural land is used as a collateral shall not exceed 90% of the market value of the pledged assets.
  • Annual interest rate is determined individually.
  • Loan is repaid in instalments distributed throughout the entire loan period. Interest is paid on a monthly basis.
  • Amount of loan when land and buildings are used as a collateral shall not exceed 70% of the market value of the pledged assets;
  • Amount of loan when other real estate or facilities/equipment are used as a collateral shall not exceed 50% of the market value of the pledged assets;
  • Pledge of account balances in Swedbank (in all cases).
  • The investment object itself needs to be pledged.
  • Pledge of land and buildings, other movable or immovable property.
  • Sureties and guaranties.
  • INVEGA programmes
  • EIF guarantees
  • Fees

  • Agricultural and forestry equipment.
  • Construction equipment - tractors, bulldozers, excavators.
  • Utility equipment – loaders, forklifts.
  • Manufacturing equipment etc.
  • Financed asset value: from EUR 8 000.
  • Contract term: from 6 months to 5 years.
  • Down payment: from 15%.
  • Financing of new and used agricultural, warehouse, construction machinery and production equipment.
  • Asset age at the end of the contract: cannot exceed 12–17 years (depending on the type of asset).
Learn more about equipment leasing
  • Fees

What is it for?

By declaring your crops you get direct payments but they are actually paid out later than you need? Knowing how important it is to receive direct payments for declared crops on time, we offer you a loan which is given taking into consideration the amount of direct payments receivable for crops. You can use this loan to carry out all your seasonal farm works.

  • The amount of loan ranges from EUR 4 500 to EUR 100 000.
  • Contract term – up to 18 months.
  • Annual interest rate is determined individually.
  • The loan is given before the receipt of direct payments.
  • The loan is given by transferring money to your account, for this reason, you will not need to bother how to repay the used loan. The limit of the loan will be reduced each time direct payments are received in your account.
  • The amount of loan depends on the amount of receivable direct payments; funding is provided for up to 70% of receivable payments.
  • Fees

Seasonal farm works – sowing, harvesting or acquisition of fertilisers, seeds and pesticides – require circulating capital to settle with suppliers. However, the seasonal nature of agricultural business gives no guarantee that you will receive income for the sold products exactly when you need it. This loan enables you to settle with your suppliers in advance.

Credit line is a form of a short-term loan when you can use the entire or part of the foreseen credit line amount any time you need.

  • Period of the agreement is up to 18 months.
  • The whole loan is repaid at the end of the Credit Line Agreement, meanwhile, interest is paid on a monthly basis.
  • INVEGA programmes
  • Minimum amount of loan is EUR 10, 000.

Loan for circulating capitalis a short-term crediting intended for satisfying the needs of circulating capital.

  • Period of the agreement is up to 18 months.
  • The loan is usually repaid in instalments according to the schedule, and the interest is paid on a monthly basis.
  • INVEGA programmes
  • Minimum amount of loan is EUR 10, 000.

Overdraft is a short-term credit limit in a bank account when you can borrow an amount of money agreed in advance any time you need and have a negative balance in your bank account for a certain period of time.

  • Period of the agreement is up to 12 months.
  • The entire loan is repaid at the end of the agreement term, and the interest is paid on a monthly basis.
  • The repayment of loan is secured by pledging one’s assets.
  • Minimum amount of loan is EUR 10, 000.

Loan (investment loan, working capital loan, overdraft (credit on bank account), credit line, guarantee limit, and other loans for corporate customers, except loans mentioned below as well as loans subject to separate fees approved).

Service or transaction Fee, EUR
Fee for concluding (managing) the loan agreement 0.4–1.5 % of the amount of the loan (min EUR 120)
Fee for increasing the amount of the loan 0.4–1.5 % of the amount of the loan to be increased (min EUR 120)
Fee for revising interest, extending the loan, revising the schedule of repayment of the loan (not applicable to guarantee limit) 0.4–1.5 % of the amount of the loan (min EUR 120)
Fee for revising other terms and conditions of the loan EUR 80
Commitment fee 0.26–4.71 % of the unused amount of the loan
Commitment fee (applicable to uncommitted credit line and uncommitted overdraft) 0.2 %
Issuance of permits / consents EUR 20

Contracts entered between the European Investment Fund (EIF) and Swedbank enable us to provide loans and leasing services to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The Guarantee is provided with the ultimate purpose of enhancing access to finance in line with defined policy objectives. The guarantee programme also helps financing necessary investments if an enterprise does not have sufficient collateral.

Guarantee program for medium-sized farms “InvestEU SME Guarantee”

The objective of this program is to increase access to finance for SME-enterprises by offering additional guarantee from the EIF.

Main conditions:

  • The maximum loan amount for a single farm is 2,000,000 EUR. It is intended to finance working capital and investments in long-term assets.
  • The maximum leasing amount for a single farm is 500,000 EUR. It is intended for financing vehicles, equipment, and commercial transportation.
  • The guarantee is free of charge.

Applies to farms with:

  • Up to 250 employees.
  • The annual turnover up to 50 million EUR, or the balance sheet total up to 43 million EUR.
  • Operating for more than 12 months.
Guarantee program for micro farms “InvestEU Micro Guarantee”

The objective of this program is to increase access to finance for micro farms by offering additional guarantee from the EIF.

Main conditions:

  • The maximum loan and leasing amount for a single farm is EUR 50,000.
  • It is intended for financing working capital, investments in long-term assets, as well as acquiring vehicles, equipment, and commercial transportation.
  • The guarantee is free of charge.

Applies to farms with:

  • Up to 9 employees.
  • The annual turnover up to 2 million EUR, or the balance sheet total up to 2 million EUR.
  • Operating for more than 12 months.

The supported financing benefits from the support from the European Union under the InvestEU Fund. The InvestEU Fund is designed to support policy objectives of the European Union by means of operations that contribute to (i) the competitiveness of the European Union; (ii) growth and employment in the European Union economy, the sustainability of the European Union economy and its environmental and climate dimension; (iii) social resilience; (iv) the promotion of scientific and technological advances, of culture, education and training; (v) the integration of the European Union capital markets and the strengthening of the internal market; (vi) the promotion of economic, social and territorial cohesion; or (vii) the sustainable and inclusive recovery of the European Union economy after the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Additional information can be found on the information page provided by the European Commission.

European Investment Fund

What is it?

The Sustainable Farming Certificate is for farms that are engaged in agriculture as the principal or as one of their activities.

Purpose of the certificate

  • Encouraging eco-friendly and responsible farming
  • Helping farmers farm more profitably
  • Ensuring farms have access to more favourable terms of financing

eAgronom is Swedbank’s official partner in the issuance and monitoring of the certificate.

The certificate is an opportunity to obtain a loan on more favourable terms

  • Leasing of agricultural equipment New and used agricultural equipment - from 1.49% + 6-month Euribor (not less than 0%)
  • Working capital financing For land cultivation activities (e.g. fertilizers, seeds, crop rotation activities etc). - loan interest rate is reduced by 0.3%
  • For infrastructure development Investments into energy efficiency within farm or any other investment related to land cultivation. - loan interest rate is reduced by 0.3%
  • Land purchase loan - loan interest rate is reduced by 0.3% and the repayment period can be up to 20 years

To qualify for the certificate, the farm needs to meet the following conditions on a day-to-day basis:

Farm’s GHG* assessment

  • Where energy emissions (including fuel) represent more than 20% of total emissions from non-perennial crop production activity, these emissions must be in a 10% reduction trajectory from a 5-year perspective.

Crop rotation and soil coverage

  • At least 5-year crop rotation, including 1 year of legume (pea, bean, etc.). Multi-species cover crop counts as one crop.
  • At least 75% of living plant coverage index. This means that on average, fields should have crops growing at least 9 months of the year. Winter crops and cover crops can be used to achieve this crop coverage.
  • Residue should be left on the field or replaced respectively with manure to avoid nutrient loss.

Soil management

  • Prevent soil compaction by avoiding traffic on wet fields. This means doing field operations on time, before or after excessive humidity periods (standing water on the field).
  • Peatlands may not be cultivated to avoid loss of soil’s organic carbon. Such wetlands should be kept as is, or turned into grasslands.
  • Maintain permanent grassland. A land that has been grassland for 5 or more consecutive years should remain as such.

Nutrient management and plant protection

  • Precision fertilization is used for mineral nitrogen application, taking into account soil analyzes, yield maps, and other field-specific information.
  • Manure is incorporated into the soil via injection (slurry) or within 1h (manure).
  • No increases in quantities of plant protection products used (either in total, or per crop type per unit area) compared to an annual baseline average determined over a rolling 5 year baseline period.

Learn more

  1. The farm applies for the certificate in the official partner’s system.
  2. The partner carries out an inspection of the farm and the farm receives a certificate. If it does not meet the criteria, an assessment is made of what needs to be improved. The certificate is issued for a period of 12 months.
  3. Once the certificate is obtained, it can be presented to the bank to obtain more favourable financing terms.
  4. Upon signing the financing agreement, the farm undertakes to comply with Swedbank’s Sustainable Farming Terms & Conditions.
  5. No later than 12 months from the date of issue of each certificate, the farm must provide the bank with a new certificate confirming that the farm has complied with Swedbank’s Sustainable Farming Terms & Conditions * in force at that time.

Sustainable Farming Terms & Conditions

* In the event of a breach of the obligation to provide a new certificate, the bank has the right to unilaterally increase the cost of the loan by 0.3%, or 1% in the case of leasing, upon prior written notice to the customer.

Agreements signed by UAB ILTE and Swedbank create additional opportunities for us to provide loans to small, medium-sized and small enterprises in Lithuania. The programmes provide financing for necessary investments or working capital when a company does not have sufficient collateral.

Requirements for companies

  • The number of employees of the company must not exceed 250 persons.
  • The annual turnover of the company must not exceed EUR 50 million and/or the value of the total assets on the company's balance sheet must not exceed EUR 43 million.

The maximum loan amount is EUR 2 812 500, but:

  • For companies active in the primary production of agricultural products – EUR 234 375.
  • For companies engaged in the primary production of fishery and aquaculture products: EUR 375 000.

In any event, the amount of De minimis aid calculated for the amount of the loan granted to the borrower may not exceed the maximum amount of De minimis aid allowed under Regulation 1408/2013 or Regulation R2023/2831 or Regulation 717/2014.

  • Financing of investments in tangible and/or intangible assets and/or working capital.
  • The loan is limited to potentially economically viable activities linked to the establishment, expansion or strengthening of the company.
  • The Credit Line may allow collateral (guarantees) to secure the Borrower's obligations:
    • guarantee of the validity of the offer;
    • contract performance guarantee;
    • advance repayment guarantee;
    • payment guarantee.
  • The number of loans per Borrower is not limited, provided that the De minimis aid threshold is not exceeded.
  • Declaration of small and medium-sized status;
  • declaration by one company,
  • business plan;
  • financial statements for the last 2 financial years.

For more information on UAB ILTE Portfolio Guarantees 3, click here.

For further information on UAB ILTE programmes and/or to submit your application and other documents, please contact us by email at or call us on +370 5 268 4422.

This funding is available because of:

  • The tripartite agreement signed on 15 April 2016 between the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania and UAB ILTE, which established the Business Financing Fund financed by the European Regional Development Fund and entrusted UAB ILTE with the functions of its manager.
  • The financing agreement signed on 7 April 2009 between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania and UAB ILTE, on the basis of which a holding fund, UAB ILTE Fund, was established and the functions of its manager were delegated to UAB ILTE.
  • Required documents

Information regarding potential risks
Improper fulfilment of your financial obligations increases your funding costs and can negatively affect your credit history; moreover, if the agreement is terminated due to a material violation on your side, forced debt recovery may be launched and in case of leasing agreement you may lose not only paid premiums but also your ownership right to the pledged property.

Partners' offers for new agricultural machinery


0% + 6-month EURIBOR (minimum 0%).


0.74% + 6-month EURIBOR (minimum 0%).


0.99% + 6-month EURIBOR (minimum 0%).

KUBOTA M – series tractors

from 0% + 6-month EURIBOR (minimum 0%).

New and used equipment from Margučiai

from 0% + 6-month EURIBOR (minimum 0%).

Exclusive offer from Swedbank lizingas and Horsch

Upgrade your machinery with Swedbank lizingas – use a special offer and buy new or used HORSCH machinery from UAB Audrokesta:

  • Variable interest rate - from 0% + 6-month EURIBOR (minimum 0%);
  • down payment from 10%;
  • lease term up to 60 months;
  • extremely flexible payment schedules.

The terms of the promotion are valid after signing a leasing contract with Swedbank lizingas, UAB before 31/12/2024.

The machinery complies with the safety requirements of EU legislation and EC occupational safety requirements. The seller UAB Audrokesta is responsible for the price, specification, technical characteristics and warranty obligations.

Information on the potential risks of the leasing service:

Improper fulfilment of financial obligations increases your financing costs and may adversely affect your credit history, and if the contract is terminated after a material breach by you, it may result in forced debt recovery and you may lose not only the payments already made but also the rights to the assets being financed.

This offer does not constitute a commitment by UAB Swedbank lizingas to provide financing on the terms and conditions set out above. The commitment to provide financing will be subject to an assessment of the documents submitted by the applicant, a positive decision and the conclusion of the relevant agreements.

If you are interested in this offer or would like to discuss it, please contact us in the most convenient way:

  • contact your bank manager directly;
  • call the regional manager of UAB Audrokesta.

Use a special offer from Swedbank lizingas and AB Lytagra and UAB SV Technika

Upgrade your machinery with Swedbank lizingas – use a special offer and buy new AMAZONE machinery from AB Lytagra or UAB SV Technika:

  • Variable interest rate - from 0.74% + 6-month EURIBOR (minimum 0%);
  • down payment from 15%;
  • lease term up to 60 months;
  • extremely flexible payment schedules.

The terms of the promotion are valid after signing a leasing contract with UAB Swedbank lizingas before 31/12/2024.

The machinery complies with the safety requirements of EU legislation and EC occupational safety requirements. The seller, AB Lytagra or UAB SV Technika,

is responsible for the price, specification, technical characteristics and warranty obligations.

Information on the potential risks of the leasing service:

Improper fulfilment of financial obligations increases your financing costs and may adversely affect your credit history, and if the contract is terminated after a material breach by you, it may result in forced debt recovery and you may lose not only the payments already made but also the rights to the assets being financed.

This offer does not constitute a commitment by Swedbank lizingas, UAB to provide financing on the terms and conditions set out above. The commitment to provide financing will be subject to an assessment of the documents submitted by the applicant, a positive decision and the conclusion of the relevant agreements.

If you are interested in this offer or would like to discuss it, please contact us in the most convenient way:

Contact AB Lytagra Technical Managers in the regions

Contact SV Technika Technical Managers in the regions

Exclusive offer from Swedbank lizingas and UAB DOTNUVA BALTIC

Upgrade your machinery with Swedbank lizingas – use a special offer and buy new Kverneland machinery from UAB Dotnuva Baltic:

  • Variable interest rate - from 0.99% + 6-month EURIBOR (minimum 0%);
  • down payment from 10%;
  • lease term up to 60 months;
  • extremely flexible payment schedules.

The terms of the promotion are valid after signing a leasing contract with Swedbank lizingas, UAB before 31/12/2024.

The machinery complies with the safety requirements of EU legislation and EC occupational safety requirements. The seller, UAB Dotnuva Baltic, is responsible for the price, specification, technical characteristics and warranty obligations.

Information on the potential risks of the leasing service:

Improper fulfilment of financial obligations increases your financing costs and may adversely affect your credit history, and if the contract is terminated after a material breach by you, it may result in forced debt recovery and you may lose not only the payments already made but also the rights to the assets being financed.

This offer does not constitute a commitment by Swedbank lizingas, UAB to provide financing on the terms and conditions set out above. The commitment to provide financing will be subject to an assessment of the documents submitted by the applicant, a positive decision and the conclusion of the relevant agreements.

If you are interested in this offer or would like to discuss it, please contact us in the most convenient way:

Find out more by contacting technical managers in the regions

Exclusive offer from Swedbank lizingas and UAB „STOKKER“

Upgrade your machinery with Swedbank lizingas – use a special offer and buy new KUBOTA M - series machinery from UAB „Stokker“:

  • Variable interest rate - from 0% + 6-month EURIBOR (minimum 0%);
  • down payment from 10%;
  • lease term up to 60 months;
  • extremely flexible payment schedules.

The terms of the promotion are valid after signing a leasing contract with Swedbank lizingas, UAB before 30.09.2024.

The machinery complies with the safety requirements of EU legislation and EC occupational safety requirements. The seller, UAB „Stokker“ , is responsible for the price, specification, technical characteristics and warranty obligations.

Information on the potential risks of the leasing service:

Improper fulfilment of financial obligations increases your financing costs and may adversely affect your credit history, and if the contract is terminated after a material breach by you, it may result in forced debt recovery and you may lose not only the payments already made but also the rights to the assets being financed.

This offer does not constitute a commitment by Swedbank lizingas, UAB to provide financing on the terms and conditions set out above. The commitment to provide financing will be subject to an assessment of the documents submitted by the applicant, a positive decision and the conclusion of the relevant agreements.

If you are interested in this offer or would like to discuss it, please contact us in the most convenient way:

Find out more by contacting technical managers in the regions

KUBOTA M – series tractors

Exclusive offer from Swedbank lizingas and Margučiai

Upgrade your machinery with Swedbank lizingas – use a special offer and buy new or used machinery from UAB Margučiai:

  • Variable interest rate – from 0% + 6-month EURIBOR (minimum 0%);
  • down payment from 10 %;
  • lease term up to 60 months;
  • extremely flexible payment schedules.

The terms of the promotion are valid after signing a leasing contract with Swedbank lizingas, UAB before 31/12/2024.

The machinery complies with the safety requirements of EU legislation and EC occupational safety requirements. The seller UAB Margučiai is responsible for the price, specification, technical characteristics and warranty obligations.

Information on the potential risks of the leasing service:

Improper fulfilment of financial obligations increases your financing costs and may adversely affect your credit history, and if the contract is terminated after a material breach by you, it may result in forced debt recovery and you may lose not only the payments already made but also the rights to the assets being financed.

This offer does not constitute a commitment by UAB Swedbank lizingas to provide financing on the terms and conditions set out above. The commitment to provide financing will be subject to an assessment of the documents submitted by the applicant, a positive decision and the conclusion of the relevant agreements.

If you are interested in this offer or would like to discuss it, please contact us in the most convenient way:

- 200 Eur

RoboLabs integrated accounting system

Up to EUR 200 discount on accounting services for Swedbank customers.

View the offer
60 days free

Time tracking and shift scheduling tool Grownu

Swedbank clients can manage workforce for free for 60 days. After that – 50% discount for 6 months.

View the offer

Mokesčių SUFLERIS - Remote tax advisor to accountants

Free 1-month subscription to Swedbank customers.

View the offer

Finpass Early Warning System

Get 5 reports and monitor changes in customers and suppliers, manage risks and grow sales for free for 3 months.

View the offer
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С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

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Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

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Faster Business Growth with the "Business Academy" Sprint

We invite you to register for the shortened Business Academy course—a 5-week training program where the priority will be knowledge aimed at growing your business.

  • Your mentor will be certified coaching specialist MCC, business consultant Povilas Petrauskas.
  • Meetings will take place remotely, twice a week.

Register for the Business Academy sprint in November. Registration is open until October 24.



„Swedbank”, AB
Konstitucijos pr. 20A, 09321 Vilnius, Lithuania
Legal entity code: 112029651

Useful links

Legal information

This is Internet Banking site of companies offering financial services - „Swedbank“ AB, Swedbank lizingas UAB, Swedbank investicijų valdymas UAB, Swedbank P&C Insurance AS Lithuanian branch, Swedbank Life Insurance SE Lithuanian branch. Before signing any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service.