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Swedbank AB is processing personal data according to the „Swedbank” AB Principles of processing personal data, which are available on the Swedbank AB webpage under Terms and Conditions and in customer service locations of Swedbank AB.

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Bring in business stability by keeping an eye on cash flow

  • New! Financing without strong collateral up to 50,000 EUR with EIF Guarantees.
  • Overdraft helps to balance the company’s working capital needs.
  • Possibility to use and repay at any time within the limit.
  • Possibility to get a loan without any collaterial.
ApplyGet consultation

Information regarding potential risks
Improper fulfilment of your financial obligations may negatively affect your credit history, increase the price of credit, and if the agreement is terminated due to material breach on your side, you may lose any payments already made, as well as the any rights to the financed property.

  • Overdraft is suitable for balancing uneven cash flows caused by payment deadlines and daily expenses.
  • Could be perfect for one-off purchases you know you can repay quickly.
  • Credit limit is constantly available in your company’s account.
  • Incoming turnover will cover the used limit and will reduce the interest cost.
  • Limit from 5000 € up to 50% of the company’s average monthly net turnover of the last six months.
  • Term up to 12 months.
  • Annual interest rate is determined individually for each company.
  • Interest and commitment fee will be debited from the customer’s current account in Swedbank in the end of the month.

As a precondition to applying for the financing, the corporate customer must have been carrying out business activities for at least 12 months and submit statements for at least one financial year.

  • Pledge of account balances in Swedbank (in all cases).
  • Sureties and guarantees.
  • Pledge of land and buildings, other movable or immovable property.
  • EIF guarantees
  1. Fill out the application in the Internet Bank. We will contact you within 2 business days.
  2. Sign the overdraft agreement digitally or in Swedbank branch.
  3. Congratulations! After signing the agreement and registering the collateral, if it is needed, the credit limit is transferred to your company’s account.
We can ask for the annual financial report (not older than 12 months) if it has not been submitted to the Center of Registers.
In case of property collateral needed we ask a valuation report from a real estate agency accepted by the bank.

How it works?

You’ll get an individual financing eligibility score for your company and an extensive list of elements that make up the score.

This calculation is available for small companies. If the financing eligibility score is not shown for your company, book a consultation to meet with us or contact your manager.

See your company‘s score

Get familiar with the measures used to create the score, learn about the criteria that are important and get to know how to improve your score if needed.

If your financing eligibility score is appropriate, apply for a loan. If it is lower, find out how to improve your score.


Your company’s loan eligibility is based on your latest financial statement, so be sure to do your accounting properly and keep the financial statements up- to- date.

Up-to-date annual financial statements are instrumental in the loan application process.

Your equity is:   Eur.

Equity ratio is:  %.

The more of a company’s equity are financed by lenders, the higher the credit risk related to the company. To be in the safe zone, the value of assets financed by the owners should be at least at a moderate level and not negative.


The company‘s ability to be profitable is an important criterion for the evaluation of the company‘s creditworthiness. In order to properly assess the opportunities for financing your company we will focus on your EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation). Also, please note that we evaluate the history of several financial periods and their dynamics.

The company‘s EBITDA must be sufficient to cover both existing and potential additional liabilities (debt). Thus, for the purposes of a financing application, we calculate the ratio between the company‘s existing and potential additional liabilities (debt) and EBITDA. The ratio should be on a safe level, i. e. not exceeding 3.5.

To be eligible for financing, a company must have a sufficient level of turnover or a future project with good turnover potential. A sustainable pace of turnover growth is one sign of a financially healthy company.

Credit history

Your company’s credit history is one of the most important factors in determining your loan eligibility. Normally, this means reviewing the payment history of your company and other related legal and/or natural persons, who participate in company‘s activities. You can find more information about the personal data processing in the Swedbank approved Principles of Processing Personal Data.

Timely payments of existing and past loans held by your company in Swedbank is one of the key elements for financial eligibility of the company.

The status of payment discipline at your company and its group members in respect to third parties helps us understand whether your company is a responsible partner.

Relationship with bank

Please let us know if you have recently changed the name of your company, its ownership or area of business. Make sure to complete and update your anti-money laundering (AML) questionnaire, as this is an essential part of financing applications.

A completed and up-to-date questionnaire is a prerequisite for applying for a loan from Swedbank.

A sustainable and long-term relationship with the bank creates beneficial conditions when applying for financing.

Blocked accounts can be a clear indication that a company is experiencing difficulties.

The longer your business has been operating, the more trust we will have in it.

Loan (investment loan, working capital loan, overdraft (credit on bank account), credit line, guarantee limit, and other loans for corporate customers, except loans mentioned below as well as loans subject to separate fees approved).

Service or transaction Fee, EUR
Fee for concluding (managing) the loan agreement 0.4–1.5 % of the amount of the loan (min EUR 120)
Fee for increasing the amount of the loan 0.4–1.5 % of the amount of the loan to be increased (min EUR 120)
Fee for revising interest, extending the loan, revising the schedule of repayment of the loan (not applicable to guarantee limit) 0.4–1.5 % of the amount of the loan (min EUR 120)
Fee for revising other terms and conditions of the loan EUR 80
Commitment fee 0.26–4.71 % of the unused amount of the loan
Commitment fee (applicable to uncommitted credit line and uncommitted overdraft) 0.2 %
Issuance of permits / consents EUR 20

Contracts entered between the European Investment Fund (EIF) and Swedbank enable us to provide loans and leasing services to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The Guarantee is provided with the ultimate purpose of enhancing access to finance in line with defined policy objectives. The guarantee programme also helps financing necessary investments if an enterprise does not have sufficient collateral.

Guarantee program for medium-sized enterprises “InvestEU SME Guarantee”

The objective of this program is to increase access to finance for SME-enterprises by offering additional guarantee from the EIF.

Main conditions:

  • The maximum amount to be financed is up to EUR 2,000,000.
  • Fixed assets and working capital are financed.
  • The guarantee is free of charge.

Applies to companies with:

  • Up to 250 employees.
  • The annual turnover up to 50 million EUR, or the balance sheet total up to 43 million EUR.
  • Operating for more than 12 months.

To get the EIF-supported financing, ask your contact person in the bank or fill in an application.

Guarantee program for micro-enterprises “InvestEU Micro Guarantee”

The objective of this program is to increase access to finance for micro-enterprises by offering additional guarantee from the EIF.

Main conditions:

  • Fixed assets and working capital are financed.
  • The maximum amount to be financed is up to EUR 50,000.
  • The guarantee is free of charge.

Applies to companies with:

  • Up to 9 employees.
  • The annual turnover up to 2 million EUR, or the balance sheet total up to 2 million EUR.
  • Operating for more than 12 months.

To get the EIF-supported financing, ask your contact person in the bank or fill in an application.

The supported financing benefits from the support from the European Union under the InvestEU Fund. The InvestEU Fund is designed to support policy objectives of the European Union by means of operations that contribute to (i) the competitiveness of the European Union; (ii) growth and employment in the European Union economy, the sustainability of the European Union economy and its environmental and climate dimension; (iii) social resilience; (iv) the promotion of scientific and technological advances, of culture, education and training; (v) the integration of the European Union capital markets and the strengthening of the internal market; (vi) the promotion of economic, social and territorial cohesion; or (vii) the sustainable and inclusive recovery of the European Union economy after the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Additional information can be found on the information page provided by the European Commission.

European Investment Fund

To find out which financing option would work best for your company, sign up for a consultation!

The card will be useful when you are in need for extra funds that can also be used to make payments and pay bills.

Cash against invoice - funding which is perfect in situations when you need to quickly increase the company’s working capital for goods or services sold while waiting for payment.

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Nuo 2021 03 23 nebebus galima jungtis prie „Swedbank“ interneto banko naudojantis naršykle „Internet Explorer“.

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Siūlome Jums naudotis naršyklėmis „Google Chrome“, „Mozilla Firefox“ ar naujausia „Microsoft Edge“ versija. Norėdami sužinoti, kaip įdiegti naršykles spauskite čia.

С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

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  • The operating system of your device & your browser are too outdated to be supported by Swedbank Internet Bank. Please, update the operating system & browser or turn to IT specialist for technical help.
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Faster Business Growth with the "Business Academy" Sprint

We invite you to register for the shortened Business Academy course—a 5-week training program where the priority will be knowledge aimed at growing your business.

  • Your mentor will be certified coaching specialist MCC, business consultant Povilas Petrauskas.
  • Meetings will take place remotely, twice a week.

Register for the Business Academy sprint in November. Registration is open until October 24.



„Swedbank”, AB
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Legal entity code: 112029651

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This is Internet Banking site of companies offering financial services - „Swedbank“ AB, Swedbank lizingas UAB, Swedbank investicijų valdymas UAB, Swedbank P&C Insurance AS Lithuanian branch, Swedbank Life Insurance SE Lithuanian branch. Before signing any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service.