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Savings for employees

Expand the package of benefits for your employees by contributing to their 3rd pillar pension funds!

  • Improve your employer branding and image.
  • Attract and retain the best employees.
  • More economic benefits for your employees due to the favorable tax environment.
How much you want to spend for employee motivation per month. Use slider to change period of payments. { "chart": { "height": 250 }, "xAxis": { "visible": true }, "yAxis": { "visible": true, "title": { "text": "EUR" } }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "marker": { "radius": 0, "states": { "hover": { "radius": 4 } } } } }, "tooltip": { "enabled": true, "shared": true } }
  • 0 
  • By giving the employee a raise

  • 0 
  • 0 
  • By contributing to an employee's 3rd pillar pension fund

  • 0
  • 0 

Unlike salaries and bonuses, contributions to pension funds are non-taxable. This tax relief is valid provided that the contribution paid to the pension fund does not exceed 25% of the employment-related income calculated for the employee. When contributing to an employee’s third-pillar pension fund, 100% of the funds allocated to the employee reach the employee, and this amount is as much as 68% higher than in the case of a raise. Calculations are rounded up to euro.

Purpose is to illustrate the comparison of the investment to 3rd pillar pension funds and by giving the employee a raise for the same amount in a particular time period. The calculation do not refer to maximum or minimum returns in chosen period. Return displayed is not guaranteed nor based on real market returns. Investing entails risks. Value of any investment may increase or decrease in time. Historic returns do not guarantee similar results in the future.

  • More opportunities to motivate your employees. By contributing to accumulation in their 3rd pillar pension funds, you will be taking care not only of their current needs, but also of their future.
  • Decisions about contributions are made by you. You can pay a regular contribution of a fixed amount or link it to the size of the employee’s salary or how long the employee has been with your organisation.
  • The manager of the agreement is the employee, so it is extremely easy for the employer to administer the payments.
    • If the employee leaves the organisation or decides to stop saving, all you have to do is stop paying the contributions.
  • Get an incentive from the state. Contributions to employees’ 3rd pillar pension funds are subject to corporate and personal income tax relief. More on this is available here.

An example of saving with an employer in 3rd pillar pension funds. Swedbank contributes to its employees’ 3rd pillar pension funds.

If an employee decides to save in a third-pillar pension fund, Swedbank matches the contribution. Employees gets twice the return on investment than they would if they saved without the employer. { "title": { "text": "Pension fund 18+ (limited redemption)", "align": "center" }, "plotOptions": { "pie": { "dataLabels": { "format": "{y} €", "distance": -10 } } }, "legend": { "enabled": false } } { "title": { "text": "Pension fund 50+ (limited redemption)", "align": "center" }, "plotOptions": { "pie": { "dataLabels": { "format": "{y} €", "distance": -10 } } }, "legend": { "enabled": false } } { "title": { "text": "Pension fund 60+ (limited redemption)", "align": "center" }, "plotOptions": { "pie": { "dataLabels": { "format": "{y} €", "distance": -10 } } }, "legend": { "enabled": false } } Personal contributions Employer contributions Fund investment return

Are you saving for the greatest vacation of your life? Your employer can contribute to saving for your future!

  • If you’re already saving for a 1st or 2nd pillar pension, the pension you will receive will not be more than about 45% of your monthly income.* This means that if you were to retire tomorrow, your income would be less than half of your current salary.
  • To maintain your normal lifestyle, your pension should be at least 70% of your current income. Ensuring this can be realistic if you conclude a 3rd pillar pension accumulation agreement with Swedbank as early as possible.
  • By setting aside the chosen amount every month, your money will be invested, so you will have the opportunity to save more for your pension.
  • You don’t have to save for retirement alone!
  • Your employer can also contribute to your third-pillar pension fund savings.
  • Government incentive. You will be able to take advantage of the personal income tax relief and get back up to 20% of the contributions you paid in yourself. Learn more.

* Pillar 1 is state social insurance pension.

If you are not already saving in Swedbank's III pillar pension funds:

  • Find out about the proposed III pillar pension funds, the terms of accumulation, and calculate how much extra money you would save for your pension.
  • Agree on the amount of the contribution that your employer could make.
  • Conclude a contract for the accumulation of III pillar pensions.
  • Inform your employer about the pension fund you have chosen and share the number of the III pillar pension account you want your employer to transfer the funds to.

If you are already saving in Swedbank's III pillar pension funds:

  • Agree with your employer how much they will contribute to your supplementary pension.
  • Inform your employer where and how to transfer the contributions, following documentthis guide
  • You are the manager of the third-pillar pension accumulation agreement.
  • You will make the decisions about changing the pension fund or adjusting the contribution, and you will have access to investment results and reports.
  • The funds accumulated in third-pillar pension funds belong to you.
    • If you leave your job and payments stop, you will remain the owner of the funds accumulated in the 3rd pillar pension fund. You will be able to become a sole contributor or to arrange payments to be taken over by your next employer.
    • If something happens to you, the funds accumulated in your pension account will belong to your heirs.
    • You will be able to withdraw part of the funds without termination of the savings/agreement. Please note that withdrawn funds are subject to taxation. More information is available here.
  • Funds are protected:
    • The funds accumulated are accounted for in your personal pension fund account, where they are safe because they are separated from the assets of the company managing the pension funds and are kept in a depository.
Years left till pension age: 0 The following investment returns (after deductions and fund operating expenses) are used to calculate the projected accumulation: Pension Fund 18+ (limited redemption) – 6.1%, Pension Fund 50+ (limited redemption) – 4.1%, Pension Fund 60+ (limited redemption) – 2.1%, Pension Fund 18+ – 6%, Pension Fund 50+ – 4%, Pension Fund 60+ – 2%. If you decide to introduce another return, this return will be used in the calculation. All results are estimates only and the pension fund manager does not guarantee investment returns.%%

Estimated savings

  • 0EUR
  • 0EUR
  • 0EUR
  • 0EUR
  • 0EUR

Regular funds - regular funds do not have limitations for agreement termination or partial withdrawal of funds.

Closed funds - when accumulating in Closed funds, one cannot terminate the agreement and/or perform a partial withdrawal of funds until 55 years of age.


Regular funds

Limited redemption funds

Fee application

Asset management fee 0,7% 0,6% Fee applies from the average yearly value of funds.
Fee for changing pension savings company 0,5% 0,5% Fee applies from the value of funds.
Contribution fee 0% 0%
Fee for withdrawing some funds 0% 0%
You can withdraw part of the funds at the age of 55.
No tax applies. The minimum amount that can be withdrawn is EUR 100, with a minimum of EUR 300 remaining in the pension fund account after the partial withdrawal.
Agreement termination fee 0% 0%
You can terminate the contract at the age of 55.
No tax applies.

Other factual operational costs of the funds are also covered with the assets of the fund:

  • 0.055% from the fund’s average annual net asset value for the services of the depository;
  • the asset management company will cover other expenses of the fund (for example, audit, trade in securities), if these expenses exceed 0.75% of the fund’s average annual net asset value.

To encourage saving in third-pillar pension funds, the government offers tax incentives on contributions.

  • Employees who are saving in third-pillar pension funds can take advantage of the personal income tax relief. When filing their tax returns, employees can get back up to 20% of the contributions they paid themselves into third-pillar pension funds. Permanent residents of the Republic of Lithuania can recover personal income tax on up to EUR 1,500 paid into the fund as contributions. Thus, a maximum of EUR 300 can be recovered per year.
  • The maximum amount of contributions eligible for the personal income tax relief is the equivalent of 25% of the taxable income received by the person during the entire tax period.
  • Please note: The personal income tax relief does not apply to the part of the contributions paid by the employer.

The government encourages employers to contribute to employees’ savings for retirement. Contributions made by the employer to the employee’s pension fund account are not taxable.

  • You will save on corporate income tax – the government encourages the use of these tools; according to the Law on Corporate Income Tax (Article 17(1)), contributions are included­ in allowable deductions.
  • You will save on personal income tax – the contributions paid by the employer for the benefit of the employee are recognised as non-taxable personal income and are therefore not subject to personal income tax (20%) under Article 17 of the Republic of Lithuania Law on Personal Income Tax and are not used to calculate state social insurance contributions (Article 11(1)(19) of the Republic of Lithuania Law on State Social Insurance) or compulsory health insurance contributions (Article 17 of the Republic of Lithuania Law on Health Insurance), provided that the total amount of contributions paid during the tax year does not exceed 25% of the employee’s employment-related income.

The conditions for taxation of benefits apply to benefits if the pension accumulation agreement was concluded between 01.01.2013 and now:

Beneficiary’s age More than 5 years from the age of 18 before retirement Less than 5 years before retirement age, or the level of incapacity for work between 0 and 40% has been established
Period of the pension accumulation agreement No impact on taxation Less than 5 years 5 years and over
Used PIT relief for a specific fund or contributions were paid by the employer the part of the benefit equals to the contributions paid 15% 15% 0%
the part of the benefit in excess of the amount of contributions (profit) 15% 15% 0%
Did not use PIT relief for a specific fund and no contributions were paid by the employer the part of the benefit equals to the contributions paid 0% 0% 0%
the part of the benefit in excess of the amount of contributions (profit) 15% 15% 0%

Closed funds - when accumulating in Closed funds, one cannot terminate the agreement and/or perform a partial withdrawal of funds until 55 years of age.

Pension fund 18+ (limited redemption)

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This fund is recommended for you if you are under 49 years old

  • Actively managed fund An actively managed fund is a pension fund where the manager decides which securities to buy and sell based on its own analysis, with the aim of outperforming the market average.
  • Management fee: 0,6%
  • Risk level: 4/7 The cumulative risk indicator shows the level of risk of this product: how likely it is that the product will suffer losses due to changes in the financial markets. Risk class 4 (out of 7) is a medium risk class. More details can be found in the Key information document.

With a focus on sustainable investments, the funds investments have a positive impact on the environment, human health and contribute to the achievement of other United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Fund's monthly report

Pension fund 50+ (limited redemption)

{ "chart": { "height": 110, "marginTop": 0, "marginBottom": 30, "spacingBottom": 5 }, "legend": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "stacking": "percent" } } }

This fund is recommended for you if you are aged between 50 and 59 years

  • Actively managed fund An actively managed fund is a pension fund where the manager decides which securities to buy and sell based on its own analysis, with the aim of outperforming the market average.
  • Management fee: 0,6%
  • Risk level: 3/7 The cumulative risk indicator shows the level of risk of this product: how likely it is that the product will suffer losses due to changes in the financial markets. Risk class 3 (out of 7) is lower than average risk class. More details can be found in the Key information document.

With a focus on sustainable investments, the funds' investments have a positive impact on the environment, human health and contribute to the achievement of other United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Fund's monthly report

Pension fund 60+ (limited redemption)

{ "chart": { "height": 110, "marginTop": 0, "marginBottom": 30, "spacingBottom": 5 }, "legend": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "stacking": "percent" } } }

This fund is recommended for you if you are over 60 years old

  • Actively managed fund An actively managed fund is a pension fund where the manager decides which securities to buy and sell based on its own analysis, with the aim of outperforming the market average.
  • Management fee: 0,6%
  • Risk level: 3/7 The cumulative risk indicator shows the level of risk of this product: how likely it is that the product will suffer losses due to changes in the financial markets. Risk class 3 (out of 7) is lower than average risk class. More details can be found in the Key information document.

With a focus on sustainable investments, the funds' investments have a positive impact on the environment, human health and contribute to the achievement of other United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Fund's monthly report

Regular funds - regular funds do not have limitations for agreement termination or partial withdrawal of funds.

Pension fund 18+

{ "chart": { "height": 110, "marginTop": 0, "marginBottom": 30, "spacingBottom": 5 }, "legend": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "stacking": "percent" } } }

This fund is recommended for you if you are under 49 years old

  • Actively managed fund An actively managed fund is a pension fund where the manager decides which securities to buy and sell based on its own analysis, with the aim of outperforming the market average.
  • Management fee: 0,7%
  • Risk level: 4/7 The cumulative risk indicator shows the level of risk of this product: how likely it is that the product will suffer losses due to changes in the financial markets. Risk class 4 (out of 7) is a medium risk class. More details can be found in the Key information document.

With a focus on sustainable investments, the funds investments have a positive impact on the environment, human health and contribute to the achievement of other United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Fund's monthly report

Pension fund 50+

{ "chart": { "height": 110, "marginTop": 0, "marginBottom": 30, "spacingBottom": 5 }, "legend": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "stacking": "percent" } } }

This fund is recommended for you if you are aged between 50 and 59 years

  • Actively managed fund An actively managed fund is a pension fund where the manager decides which securities to buy and sell based on its own analysis, with the aim of outperforming the market average.
  • Management fee: 0,7%
  • Risk level: 3/7 The cumulative risk indicator shows the level of risk of this product: how likely it is that the product will suffer losses due to changes in the financial markets. Risk class 3 (out of 7) is lower than average risk class. More details can be found in the Key information document.

With a focus on sustainable investments, the funds' investments have a positive impact on the environment, human health and contribute to the achievement of other United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Fund's monthly report

Pension fund 60+

{ "chart": { "height": 110, "marginTop": 0, "marginBottom": 30, "spacingBottom": 5 }, "legend": { "enabled": true }, "plotOptions": { "series": { "stacking": "percent" } } }

This fund is recommended for you if you are over 60 years old

  • Actively managed fund An actively managed fund is a pension fund where the manager decides which securities to buy and sell based on its own analysis, with the aim of outperforming the market average.
  • Management fee: 0,7%
  • Risk level: 3/7 The cumulative risk indicator shows the level of risk of this product: how likely it is that the product will suffer losses due to changes in the financial markets. Risk class 3 (out of 7) is lower than average risk class. More details can be found in the Key information document.

With a focus on sustainable investments, the funds' investments have a positive impact on the environment, human health and contribute to the achievement of other United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Fund's monthly report

Pension fund regulations

More information about the funds

When you save in pension funds, you take on investment risk and there is no guarantee that your investments will increase in value. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

The pension fund manager, Swedbank investicijų valdymas UAB, together with Swedbank Robur Fonder AB in Sweden, aims to achieve good performance from the funds.

The funds you accumulate are held in your personal pension fund account, where they are safe because they are segregated from the assets of the company managing the pension funds and are stored in a depository (Swedbank AB company code 112029651, address Konstitucijos pr. 20 A, Vilnius).

Swedbank logo

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Nuo 2021 03 23 nebebus galima jungtis prie „Swedbank“ interneto banko naudojantis naršykle „Internet Explorer“.

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С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

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From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

  • Jūsų įrenginio operacinė sistema ir interneto naršyklė yra pasenusi ir nėra palaikoma Swedbank interneto banke. Prašome atnaujinti operacinę sistemą bei interneto naršyklę arba kreiptis į IT specialistus techninės pagalbos.
  • The operating system of your device & your browser are too outdated to be supported by Swedbank Internet Bank. Please, update the operating system & browser or turn to IT specialist for technical help.
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Faster Business Growth with the "Business Academy" Sprint

We invite you to register for the shortened Business Academy course—a 5-week training program where the priority will be knowledge aimed at growing your business.

  • Your mentor will be certified coaching specialist MCC, business consultant Povilas Petrauskas.
  • Meetings will take place remotely, twice a week.

Register for the Business Academy sprint in November. Registration is open until October 24.



„Swedbank”, AB
Konstitucijos pr. 20A, 09321 Vilnius, Lithuania
Legal entity code: 112029651

Useful links

Legal information

This is Internet Banking site of companies offering financial services - „Swedbank“ AB, Swedbank lizingas UAB, Swedbank investicijų valdymas UAB, Swedbank P&C Insurance AS Lithuanian branch, Swedbank Life Insurance SE Lithuanian branch. Before signing any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service.