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E-commerce Payment Solutions

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Service agreement application can be submitted in the Internet bank.

Swedbank AB is processing personal data according to the „Swedbank” AB Principles of processing personal data, which are available on the Swedbank AB webpage under Terms and Conditions and in customer service locations of Swedbank AB.

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More payment methods mean more opportunities for your e-commerce business growth!

  • New! More conversions with Apple Pay and Google Pay.
  • The most popular payment methods worldwide: card payments and Paypal.
  • Payments from the major Baltic banks with payment initiation.
  • Don't have an e-shop? Use link payments.
Multiple payment options for your business. Easy integration through plugins, cloud platforms or APIs. Smooth checkout front-end design for better conversions.

Step up your e-commerce with our online payment solutions:

Card payments

  • Multipurpose online payment solution.
  • Easy to checkout, start a subscription or pay a recurring bill.

Special offer!

  • Operation fee: from 1.5% 2% + EUR 0.08 EUR 0.10

Monthly fee: EUR 0 EUR 25

Read more

Payment initiation

  • The next generation Bank Link alternative.
  • Most popular among the shoppers in Baltics!
  • Payments from multiple banks with one integration.
  • Operation fee: individual offer*
  • Monthly fee: EUR 0

* Varies depending on sales volume.

Read more

Digital Wallets: Apple Pay, Google Pay

  • Mobile friendly.
  • Convenient, secure and fast.

Special offer!

  • Operation fee: from 1.5% 2% + EUR 0.08 EUR 0.10
  • Monthly fee: EUR 0

Read more


  • Popular and reliable globally.
  • Most used online payment service in U.S.

Special offer!

  • Operation fee: EUR 0.12 EUR 0.15
  • Monthly fee: EUR 0

Read more

Link payments

  • Ideal to sell online without a website.
  • Operation fee: individual offer** or varies depending if ordered with Card payments or/and Payment initiation solution***

** Monthly fee applies: EUR 10 + VAT

*** Monthly fee does not apply.

Read more

Special offer is valid until 03/31/2025.

This offer is of an informative nature and is not a commitment on behalf of the bank to provide a service. The bank shall only be obliged to provide the service upon concluding the relevant service contract under terms that are acceptable to the bank, and upon properly fulfilling all of the conditions for the provision of the service provided in the contract.

Payment initiation

Why choose Payment initiation?

3 months free for young business (companies that has been established for no more than 12 months) and Eshoprent clients.

Allow customers to initiate instant payments from any major Baltic bank account, without leaving your platform:




agreeŠiaulių bankas

agreeUrbo bankas





Key features

agreeMerchant Portal to track your transactions.

agreeFast and easy integration via plugins, hosted ecommerce platforms or APIs.

agreeSeamless payment flow.

agreeCustomizable checkout design.

agreePossibility for checkouts without a website through “Link Pay” payment links.

Try the demosite. If you choose to process your demo transaction, your money will go to a charity fund.

Go to demo

Card payments

Why choose Card payments?

Accept payments from clients all around the world with:



agreeApple Pay

agreeGoogle Pay

Key features

agreeThe hosted checkout technology.

agreeSubscription payments.

agreePossibility to save client’s card information for future payments (tokenization).

agreeFast and easy integration via plugins, hosted ecommerce platforms or APIs.

agreeCustomizable checkout design.

agreePossibility for checkouts without a website through “Link Pay” payment links.

agreeSelf-service & technical support.

Digital Wallets: Apple Pay, Google Pay

Why choose Digital Wallet payments?

Wallet payments are mobile friendly payment options. It enables online shoppers to checkout within a blink of an eye. Wallet payments come along with Swedbank Card payments and can serve:

  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay

Follow these instructions.

Key features

agreeBiometric (face or fingerprint) authorization.

agreeSelf-service & technical support.

agreeFast and easy integration via plugins, hosted ecommerce platforms or APIs.

agreeThe hosted checkout technology.


Why choose PayPal?

PayPal checkout come along with Swedbank Card payments. PayPal is used by millions of consumers around the world.

Key features

agreeEasy integration.

agreeAccess to clients across the world that use PayPal.

Link payments

Why choose Link payments?

“Link Pay” payment links – ideal to sell online without a website. No integration needed, yet experience of online shopping inns kept. This solution is suitable to manage reservations and payments in just a few clicks.

3 months free for young business (companies that has been established for no more than 12 months) and Eshoprent clients if ordered with Payment initiation solution. Link payments monthly fee does not apply when ordering together with Payment initiation and/or Card payments solutions.

Key Features

agreeOpportunity to turn every channel into a checkout.

agreeCustomizable payment fields and window design with possibility to have merchant’s logo and layout.

agreePossibility to set payment link re-usage limitations.

agreeOne-time checkouts or subscription payments.

agreeAPI integration for advanced usage.

  1. Plugins for the most popular platforms: WooCommerce, OpenCart, Magento2, PrestaShop.
  2. Integration through ecommerce cloud platforms: Voog, Mozello, ShopRoller, WebShopper, Verskis, eshoprent.
  3. Booking systems:
  4. Integration through standardized API (Application Programming Interface).
  5. SDK tools for mobile applications.

Websites of a merchant wishing to use the service must meet the certain criteria.

For EveryPay technical solution:

For Swedbank‘s payment initiation service solution:

How do card transactions work?

In this video, you will find out about:

  • the card ecosystem and authorization flow;
  • possible transaction types;

How to start accepting payment cards?

In this video, you will learn about:

  • available card acceptance solutions;
  • how to obtain the terminal and how to quickly set it up;
  • where to get technical support.

Online card acceptance

In this video, you will get information about:

  • what is online card acceptance;
  • what are the benefits of online acceptance;
  • how do online payments work;
  • what are the requirements for online merchant;
  • how can the risk be minimized in online environment.

What is chargeback?

In this video, you will get to know about the chargebacks – the process, timeframe, responsibilities, and solutions to avoid them.

What is card fraud?

This will explain the key things about fraud:

  • what to do in case of suspected fraud;
  • how to minimize it.

What a merchant needs to do to be compliant?

This video will explain:

  • what are the main responsibilities of the merchant
  • how to ensure compliance with rules of the international card organizations and the bank.

What is the PCI DSS?

With this video, you will understand:

  • what is the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS);
  • how card data can be stolen;
  • what are the consequences of the merchant not following the PCI DSS rules;
  • what can a merchant do to comply with the PCI DSS.

Payment Card Indrustry Security Standarts Council (PCI SSC) has been established by the leading international cards organisations Visa, MC, Amex, Diners, Discovery, JCB. PCI SSC had been worked out as PCI DSS rules and documents to regulate and define card security principles and policies. Payment security guidance must be applied to all entities (including banks, merchants, payment processors) which store, process or transmit cardholder data. These rules set the technical and operational requirements for organizations accepting or processing payment transactons.

Please see the latest version of requirements and standards here

All merchants that store, process or transmit cardholder data must be PCI DSS compliant.

Data Element Storage Permitted Render Stored Data Unreadable
Cardholder Data
Primary Account Number (PAN) Yes Yes Standard requires that the PAN must be rendered unreadable
Cardholder Name Yes No
Service Code Yes No
Expiration Date Yes No
Sensitive Authentication Data Sensitive authentication data must not be stored after authorisation, (even if encrypted)
Full Track Data Full track data from the magnetic stripe, equivalent data on the chip, or elsewhere No Prohibited
CVV2/CVC2 The three or four-digit value printed on the front or back of a payment card No Prohibited
PIN/PIN Block Personal Identification Number entered by cardholder during a transaction, and/or encrypted PIN block present within the transaction message No Prohibited

Bank informs merchants once per year what kind of action must be taken to comply with PCI DSS . Requirements are presented in the table in below.

Merchants are categorized into 4 levels based on the annual number of card payment transaction by one card brand (i.e., MC, VISA, Amex etc.). Level 1- Level 3 merchants are required to report their compliance status and Level 4 merchants are required to report filled SAQ directly to their acquiring bank.

Merchant level Merchants transaction criteria Required actions from merchants Frequency
Level 1 Merchants with 6 million and more annual transactions in total by Mastercard or VISA External security audit made by Qualified Security Assessor(QSA) once per year
Network Scan conducted by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) once per quarter
Level 2 Merchants with 1 to 6 million annual transactions in total by Mastercard or VISA QSA or Internal Security Assessor (ISA) Level 2 merchants who choose to complete an annual self-assessment questionnaire must ensure that staff engaged in the self-assessment attend PCI SSC ISA training and pass the associated accreditation program annually in order to continue the option of self-assessment for compliance validation. Alternatively, Level 2 merchants, at their own discretion, must complete an annual onsite assessment conducted by a PCI SSC approved Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) rather than complete an annual self-assessment questionnaire. once per year
Network Scan conducted by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) once per quarter
Level 3 E-commerce merchants with 20 000 to 1 million annual transactions in total by Mastercard or VISA Compleating annual self-assessment (SAQ) form required by the bank once per year
Network Scan conducted by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) once per quarter
Level 4 All other merchants Annual self-assessment (SAQ) at merchant discretion Recommended once per quarter
Network Scan conducted by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) Recommended once per year

Keep in mind, that you’ll need to perform:

  • Security audit, that is made by a certified auditor acting as Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) at the legal entities, who are presented on the PCI DSS official web-site.
  • Scanning of the network, that is made by a qualified net scanning vendor acting as Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA). ASV can conduct a scanning procedure for physical and online merchants but have no rights to perform an annual audits.
  • Internal audit, during which questions in SAQ (Self Assessment Questionnaire) have to be answered. The questionnaire content depends on technical solution.

The 12 requirements and goals in the table below will help you to understand what important actions must be performed to be compliant wiht PCI DSS rules.

Goals PCI DSS Requirements
Build and maintain a secure network and system 1. Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data.
2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters.
Protect cardholder data 3. Protect the stored cardholder data.
4. Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open public networks.
Maintain a vulnerability managemenet program 5. Protect all systems against malware and regularly update anti-virus software or programs.
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and applications.
Implement strong access control measures 7. Restrict access to cardholder data under business need-to-know.
8. Identify and authenticate access to system components.
9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data.
Regularly monitor and test networks 10. Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data.
11. Test security systems and processes on a regular basis.
Maintain an information security policy 12. Maintain a policy that addresses information security for all personnel.

For more information please visit

Cardholders have the right to dispute any card transaction processed on a Mastercard or Visa card. Such disputes are resolved as chargebacks and are governed by a series of rules set forth by the international card organizations. In the chargeback process, the burden of proof lies with the merchant who is given the opportunity to provide supporting documentation to prove the legitimacy of the transaction. If the merchant is unsuccessful or does not respond in a timely fashion, they are held financially responsible for returning funds to the consumer who filed the complaint.

Common reasons for chargebacks include:

  • the cardholder did not perform the transaction (frequently an indication of fraud);
  • cancelled recurring transaction;
  • goods not as described;
  • goods faulty or defective;
  • failure to respond to voucher requests.

Chargebacks may also be made for other reasons, including goods or services not having been received.

Tips on dealing with chargebacks:

  • In order to prevent undelivered product claims it is highly recommended to use a delivery service that offers delivery confirmation.
  • In order to prevent broken merchandise claims during shipping, always purchase shipping insurance if your items are fragile. Make sure you clearly document the timeframe in which such claims will be processed.
  • There are two ways of handling claims concerning merchandise breakage not caused by shipping: have the customer contact the manufacturer directly if the item is under warranty or ask the customer to ship the item back to you. Make sure your returns policy is very clear about the timeframe and the returned merchandise authorisation process.
  • If the customer claims they never ordered the product, make sure you have clear documentation of their order.
  • Whenever possible handle communication via e-mail as that way you will have a precise record of all conversations.
  • The requirement is to have terms and conditions clearly presented on the website where the online services are provided. The Consumer Protection Regulations set out the information that must be provided to customers prior to entering into an agreement. The regulations apply to anyone who supplies goods or services under a distance contract; you cannot opt out of them.
  • The information must be provided in a clear and comprehensible manner appropriate to the means of distance communication used. The information you need to provide includes specific details of the goods or services in question, their price (including VAT and other taxes) and delivery charges, as well as the details of customers' cancellation rights. You also need to include the full contact details of your business.
  • If the goods or services ordered by the customer are likely to be unavailable, you must inform them if you wish to provide substitute goods or services of equivalent quality and price or return the money to the cardholder.

Merchants face various risks when accepting card transactions. This information has been put together to help you understand the types of risk you face and the steps to take in order to reduce the risk of loss. One of the greatest risks to merchants is that of fraudulent transactions. If you are not careful, fraud could cost your business dearly. Some types of merchants - depending on the type of goods sold - are more vulnerable to fraudulent transactions than others. Merchants should be aware that they may be targeted. It is essential to understand the term "authorisation" - what it does and does not mean.

What authorisation does mean:

  • The account number is valid
  • The card has not been reported as lost or stolen (although it may still be lost, stolen or compromised, i.e. the card details may have been unduly obtained or copied) and the card owner may be unaware of this)
  • There are sufficient funds available to cover the transaction

Although it is important to obtain authorization for each transaction, this alone does not protect you against the risk of fraud or chargeback. Authorization does not confirm that the person providing the card data is the legitimate cardholder. These risk remains that the person has either stolen or unduly obtained the card data, even if authorization has been obtained.

Due to their high value and suitability for resale, the following types of goods are frequently targeted by fraudsters:

  • Electronics
  • Household appliances
  • Jewellery
  • Computers
  • Furniture
  • Goods easily sold for cash

If you trade in any of these goods, be extremely careful before handing over/shipping items. Make sure you take all possible steps to confirm that the purchaser is the actual cardholder.

The following are indications of potentially suspicious transactions. Often it is the existence of more than one indication that suggests a potentially fraudulent activity.

  1. First-time shopper - Criminals are always looking for new merchants to steal from
  2. Larger-than-normal orders - Because stolen cards and account numbers have use only for a limited time period, criminals need to maximise their purchases
  3. Orders that include several varieties of the same item - Having more than one of the same item increases the criminal's profits
  4. "Urgent" or "overnight" shipping - Criminals want their fraudulently obtained items as soon as possible for quick resale and are not concerned about extra delivery charges
  5. Shipping outside of the merchant's country - There are times when items purchased in fraudulent transactions are shipped to criminals outside of the home country
  6. Inconsistencies - Information in order details such as a mismatch in the billing and shipping addresses, telephone area codes with corresponding near post office codes, e-mail addresses that do not look legitimate and irregular times of day when orders are placed.
  7. Multiple transactions on one card during a short period of time - This could be an attempt to 'run a card' until the account is closed
  8. Shipping to a single address via transactions on multiple cards - This could involve an account number generated using special software or even a batch of stolen cards
  9. Multiple transactions on one card or a similar card with a single billing address, but multiple shipping addresses - This could represent an organised activity, rather than one individual at work
  10. For online transactions, multiple cards used from a single IP (Internet Protocol) address - More than one or two cards could indicate a fraudulent scheme
  11. Orders from Internet addresses that make use of free e-mail services - These e-mail services involve no billing relationships and often neither an audit trail nor verification that a legitimate cardholder has opened the account

Merchants can minimise the possibility of fraudulent purchases and chargebacks from online transactions by taking certain precautions:

  • request the name of the cardholder's bank - fraudsters who have unduly obtained account details will not have this information. If the purchaser hesitates in giving the name of their bank, caution should be exercised;
  • the risk of goods not being received should be evaluated if goods are forwarded to a post office box;
  • obtain a signed receipt from the cardholder when the goods are delivered;
  • in the case of orders for a large number of different goods, telephone the cardholder after the order is placed to confirm the order. Also, have the purchaser read back all details of the order. Frequently, where an order is fraudulent, the purchaser is unable to confirm these details, as they were ordering at random, with no record of what they ordered;
  • be suspicious in cases where multiple cards are used for a single purchase;
  • do not continue to attempt authorisation after receiving a decline;
  • exercise extra caution in relation to overseas orders - large orders should in all cases be held back for shipping until the enquiries above are made into the legitimacy of the purchaser. Merchants should not ship goods until satisfied that the purchase is legitimate.

By using the 3-D Secure authentication services, the merchant obtains chargeback protection (i.e. fraud liability shift) on a transaction in most events where a chargeback would normally be received on the basis of a claim that the customer did not actually participate in the transaction. These services provide customers, retailers and banks with greater security in online card payments.

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) has been established by the leading international card organizations Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Diners, Discovery, JCB. The PCI SSC has developed the PCI DSS rules and documents to regulate and lay down the card security principles and policies. Payment security guidance must be followed by all entities (including banks, merchants, payment processors) which store, process or transmit cardholder data. These rules set the technical and operational requirements for organizations accepting or processing payment transactions.

Please see the latest version of requirements and standards here

All merchants that store, process or transmit cardholder data must be PCI DSS compliant.

Card data and sensitive authentication data elements:

Data Element Storage Permitted Render Stored Data Unreadable
Cardholder Data
Primary Account Number (PAN) Yes Yes Standard requires that the PAN must be rendered unreadable
Cardholder Name Yes No
Service Code Yes No
Expiration Date Yes No
Sensitive Authentication Data Sensitive authentication data must not be stored after authorisation, (even if encrypted)
Full Track Data Full track data from the magnetic stripe, equivalent data on the chip, or elsewhere No Prohibited
CVV2/CVC2 The three or four-digit value printed on the front or back of a payment card No Prohibited
PIN/PIN Block Personal Identification Number entered by cardholder during a transaction, and/or encrypted PIN block present within the transaction message No Prohibited

How to be sure that you are compliant with PCI DSS requirements?

We inform merchants once per year via e-mail what kind of action must be taken to comply with the PCI DSS. The requirements are presented in the table below.

Merchants are categorized into 4 levels based on the annual number of card payment transactions by one card brand (i.e. Mastercard, VISA, Amex etc.). We require Level 1 - Level 3 merchants to notify us of their compliance status after the required action has been taken. Level 4 merchants must notify us of their compliance status by sending a completed Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ).

Merchant level Merchants transaction criteria Required actions from merchants Frequency
Level 1 Merchants with 6 million and more annual transactions in total by Mastercard or VISA External security audit made by Qualified Security Assessor(QSA) once per year
Network Scan conducted by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) once per quarter
Level 2 Merchants with 1 to 6 million annual transactions in total by Mastercard or VISA Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) or Internal Security Assessor (ISA) once per year
1. Merchants completing the SAQ A, A-EP or D are required to engage a QSA or ISA for annual compliance validation.
2. Merchants completing the SAQ B, B-IP, C-VT, C or P2PE may now self-assess without the use of a QSA or ISA for compliance validation.
once per year
Network Scan conducted by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) once per quarter
Level 3 E-commerce merchants with 20 000 to 1 million annual transactions in total by Mastercard or VISA Compleating annual self-assessment (SAQ) form required by the bank once per year
Network Scan conducted by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) once per quarter
Level 4 All other merchants Annual Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) at merchant’s discretion Recommended once per quarter
Network Scan conducted by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) Recommended once per year

Keep in mind, that you’ll need to perform:

  • Security audit by a certified auditor acting as Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) at the legal entities that are presented on the official PCI DSS website.
  • Scanning of the network by a qualified net scanning vendor acting as Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA). ASV can conduct a scanning procedure for in-store and online merchants but have no rights to perform annual audits.
  • Internal audit, during which questions in SAQ (Self Assessment Questionnaire) have to be answered. The questionnaire content depends on technical solution.

PCI DSS requirements and goals

The 12 requirements and goals in the table below will help you to understand what important actions must be performed to be compliant wiht PCI DSS rules.

Goals PCI DSS Requirements
Build and maintain a secure network and system 1. Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data.
2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters.
Protect cardholder data 3. Protect the stored cardholder data.
4. Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open public networks.
Maintain a vulnerability managemenet program 5. Protect all systems against malware and regularly update anti-virus software or programs.
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and applications.
Implement strong access control measures 7. Restrict access to cardholder data under business need-to-know.
8. Identify and authenticate access to system components.
9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data.
Regularly monitor and test networks 10. Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data.
11. Test security systems and processes on a regular basis.
Maintain an information security policy 12. Maintain a policy that addresses information security for all personnel.

For more information please visit

Please contact us by calling +370 5 268 4422 if you need a consultation or you wish to report a fraudulent situation. You can learn more about how to do your banking securely here.

List of providers

In order to install the Bank Link service of Swedbank’s payment portal or the service of Swedbank’s payment portal you will need IT resources. The list of familiar service providers is given below for your convenience.

Bank Link

Evispa, UAB
+370 674 72248 e-shop system is highly flexible and is perfectly adapted to the Lithuanian market, SEO. The e-shop platform is suitable for both startups and experienced merchants who have their own warehouses. Swedbank’s Bank Link service may be installed for all customers of
NFQ Technologies, UAB
+370 687 79320
Design and implementation of modern commerce technology, consulting and data science solutions for the effective development of the commerce model.

Card online payment solution

Adeo Web
+370 676 47849
Adeo Web has been providing the services of e-commerce design, development, consulting and integration for more than 10 years. The company helps businesses achieve success in digital space at all stages of development: from strategy creation and technical implementation to design, from integration of all necessary systems to data analytics, from infrastructure support and optimisation to digital marketing.
NFQ Technologies, UAB
+370 687 79320
Design and implementation of modern commerce technology, consulting and data science solutions for the effective development of the commerce model.
+370 665 10170
Contact this service provider if your chosen card online payment option is EveryPay.
UAB Invertus
+370 650 59071
The company has been assisting Lithuanian and international companies to digitize business and develop in the electronic space since 2005.
Platinum partnership with one of the largest e-commerce platforms PrestaShop in the Baltic and Scandinavian countries provides Invertus with an exclusive opportunity to take care of the development of the e-commerce ecosystem in the entire Nordic region. Being the strategic partner of PrestaShop, the company is the only agency worldwide which provides technical support to all PrestaShop partner agencies. Certified Invertus specialists also organise user and programme developer training recognised by the platform.
Together with Swedbank, the company ensures smooth integration of payment and financing solutions with customers’ e-commerce platforms and customers’ internal digital systems. The company offers effective, secure and quick to install payment modules to SMEs as well as unique, custom tailored sophisticated software system integration solutions to large businesses.

These companies are indicated as examples of such service providers and they are not associated with Swedbank. The given list of IT companies is not provided in the order of priority and is not complete. You may freely choose other IT companies that provide required services.

From simple, pocket-sized terminals to tailor-made integrated solutions.

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A card enabling additional money for your company that can also be used to pay bills.

- 200 Eur

RoboLabs integrated accounting system

Up to EUR 200 discount on accounting services for Swedbank customers.

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- 85 % e-shop rent

Design a website and start your e-commerce with in a very simple way. For Swedbank clients 85% discount on the e-shop rental for 3 months!

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Mokesčių SUFLERIS - Remote tax advisor to accountants

Free 1-month subscription to Swedbank customers.

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- 20 %

DPD parcel delivery

20% discount on home delivery or delivery to selected post offices in your country.

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Swedbank logo

Jūsų Internet Explorer naršyklė nebepalaikoma.

Prašome naudoti Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox ar Microsoft Edge naršykles.

Nuo 2021 03 23 nebebus galima jungtis prie „Swedbank“ interneto banko naudojantis naršykle „Internet Explorer“.

Taip pat nebebus galima tvirtinti ar vykdyti mokėjimų iš „Swedbank“ kituose tinklalapiuose naudojantis „Internet Explorer“.

Siūlome Jums naudotis naršyklėmis „Google Chrome“, „Mozilla Firefox“ ar naujausia „Microsoft Edge“ versija. Norėdami sužinoti, kaip įdiegti naršykles spauskite čia.

С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

  • Jūsų įrenginio operacinė sistema ir interneto naršyklė yra pasenusi ir nėra palaikoma Swedbank interneto banke. Prašome atnaujinti operacinę sistemą bei interneto naršyklę arba kreiptis į IT specialistus techninės pagalbos.
  • The operating system of your device & your browser are too outdated to be supported by Swedbank Internet Bank. Please, update the operating system & browser or turn to IT specialist for technical help.
  • Ваш браузер или операционная система недостаточно современны для использования в интернет банке Swedbank. Пожалуйста обновите операционную систему и браузер или обратитесь за технической помощью к ИТ специалисту.

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Faster Business Growth with the "Business Academy" Sprint

We invite you to register for the shortened Business Academy course—a 5-week training program where the priority will be knowledge aimed at growing your business.

  • Your mentor will be certified coaching specialist MCC, business consultant Povilas Petrauskas.
  • Meetings will take place remotely, twice a week.

Register for the Business Academy sprint in November. Registration is open until October 24.



„Swedbank”, AB
Konstitucijos pr. 20A, 09321 Vilnius, Lithuania
Legal entity code: 112029651

Useful links

Legal information

This is Internet Banking site of companies offering financial services - „Swedbank“ AB, Swedbank lizingas UAB, Swedbank investicijų valdymas UAB, Swedbank P&C Insurance AS Lithuanian branch, Swedbank Life Insurance SE Lithuanian branch. Before signing any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service.