Swedbank’s mission statement includes the bank acting as a positive force in society. We work with various
societal initiatives which contribute to positive impact in areas of our prioritized SDGs.
Expertise in personal and business finances as well as macroeconomics is our greatest competence. By sharing
this competence with the society we can create biggest positive impact. To help people and businesses gain
financial skills, we actively work with various educational initiatives targeted at different segments of
society. Our aim is to help people gain knowledge and skills to successfully manage their personal finances,
build financial security and accelerate growth.
Swedbank Institute of Finances
monitors, analyses and investigates different financial aspects of national economy, personal finances and
business finances. The Institute’s experts educate society on sustaianel personal finances, entrepreneurship,
economic trends, risks and opportunities.
Swedbank Finance Lab
is a unique educational venue for schoolchildren. It allows build knowledge in areas economics and personal
finance management in a smart and interactive way. All pupils from the 1st to 12th grades are welcome here.
More information at: https://blog.swedbank.lt/finansu-laboratorija
In the Swedbank Blog
we provide relevant advice, analysis and forecasts that will help people manage their private and business finances better.
Follow the news at: https://blog.swedbank.lt/
On Facebook group “Pinigai ir reikalai”
we discuss various questions on finance and share our experience and advice.
Join us on:https://www.facebook.com/groups/276699909909670/
These activities contribute to following goals:
Goal 4: Quality Education
Ensure inclusive and high quality education for all.
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Produce and consume goods and resources responsibly.
Swedbank Entrepreneurship platform “Everyone can” was created for small Lithuanian businesses to grow and
develop more quickly. About 2500 Lithuanian small businesses have joined the
„Everyone can“ platform and have used this opportunity to attract more customers and increase visibility of their business.
The project can be joined both by businesses running physical sales, and those operating electronically.
The platform “Everyone can”
It allows us to contribute to this goal:
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote higher productivity, innovation, entrepreneurship and job creation.
We believe that open and progressive society is impossible without equal opportunities and inclusion. Since
2015 we have been working actively on issues of equal opportunities, gender equality and diversity. We run
diversity trainings for all our managers. We offer equal pay to men and women in the same professional
positions. We have set goals in the field of equal opportunities such as gender balance among managers, equal
pay, implementation of non-discrimination principles, employee engagement into diversity related topics and initiatives.
We have implemented gender equality campaign Green Light (www.zaliasviesa.lt), which
encourages equal pay, reducing gender pay gap and increasing public awareness in this field. In cooperation with
public partners, we constantly strive to raise discussions on the topics of gender equality and encourage
progress at the national level. We also actively work with various various women’s leadership initiatives (e.g.
the Go Forward conference, the Women’s Innovation Sprint, etc.)
Swedbank is an ambassador of the Lithuanian Diversity Charter and was among the first companies in Lithuania to
publicly express support to the Baltic Pride events. In 2019 Swedbank became the major partner and sponsor of
the Baltic Pride International Human Rights Conference and participated in the March for Equality in Vilnius.
The bank is also the major partner and sponsor of the National Equality and Diversity Awards.
The Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson has granted Swedbank Lithuania the highest rating in the field of equal opportunities: three Equal Opportunity Wings.
This helps us contribute to following goal:
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Achieve gender equality and end discrimination.
Women for Global Challenges
is a continuous sustainable innovations programme, based on the methodology of design thinking. It aims to
encourage more women to take active role in creating innovations and turning them into actual business ideas. It
also aims to promote and grow sustainable innovation culture among entrepreneurs. The business ideas in this
program must contribute to at least one of the SDGs. Swedbank is the main partner and one of the initiators.
More information at: www.inovacijusprintas.lt
is a sustainable entrepreneurship per-accelerator for students run by Sunrise Valley Science and Technology
Centre. During the programme participants learn how to create a business which is not only innovative but also
makes a positive impact on the environment, society and economy. Swedbank is the main partner and sponsor.
More information at: www.futurepreneurs.eu
“Būtent” (“Makes Sense”) Opinion and Discussion Festival.
This is an open, non-political, free of charge event, the aim of which is to encourage the culture of open
discussions, listening and tolerance, build societal engagement and improve the quality of important national
level decisions. In this festival Swedbank initiates various discussion on the topics related our prioritized
SDGs based areas: education, economic growth and entrepreneurship, open and inclusive society, sustainability and environmental protection.
More information at: http://diskusijufestivalis.lt
Our societal initiatives help us contribute to following goals:
Goal 4: Quality Education
Ensure inclusive and high quality education for all.
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Achieve gender equality and end discrimination.
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote higher productivity, innovation, entrepreneurship and job creation.
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Produce and consume goods and resources responsibly.
Goal 13: Climate Action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Goal 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies.
In order to create positive social, economic and environmental impact, Swedbank cooperates with various
societal partners. When building partnerships, we prioritize long-term initiatives that have a wide reach and
strong impact, and which correspond to the Sustainable Development Goals and our bank values.
Swedbank assesses every proposal for support or cooperation according to clearly defined criteria. We take into account the following aspects:
- Whether the project corresponds to Swedbank values, as well as to the existing and future needs of customers and society,
- The relevance of the project to the general public, to what degree it engages people, what kind of actual changes it helps to achieve, and how it contributes to the welfare of society,
- The professionalism and experience of the partner and sustainability of the project,
- The possibilities for engaging Swedbank employees and customers in the project.
Swedbank does not support:
- Projects that do not correspond to the values of the bank,
- Political and religious organisations,
- Initiatives that pose any danger or other risks to the environment and security of the population,
- Personal initiatives and projects.
In order to communicate with us regarding opportunities for cooperation and sponsorship, please fill in the following form: